Well, I never thought we would be in a position like this at the start of the year. We have all had to adapt and be flexible in this new world of lockdown. We are now into week 2 of lockdown and the kiddies be off school, this is our homeschooling routine at the moment. I am sure this will change as the weeks go on.

Homeschooling routine – Mornings with Mummy

I printed off some worksheets from online resources and I give the children a couple of choices each morning: maths and english primarily. There are some history and geography worksheets available for free too.

9am school starts, we are pretty relaxed about the first half an hour and usually do our TT Rockstars practice on iPads.

Between 9:30am and 10:30am the kiddies do their set work from the teachers, this is worksheets from Twinkl or Maths with White Rose Maths (this was set by Isla’s teacher and she loves it). It gives you a set of questions then shows you a video to explain the answers, the video pauses when it’s your turn to write the answers out. I alternate the children in our makeshift office so I can separate them up a little, they take it in turns to go on Mathletics and Spellodrome and they love this! It’s a great way to encourage English and Maths work.


We have break time at 10:30am which consists of trampoline time, I try to encourage them to bounce around for 20 minutes to burn off some steam and get some fresh air. It’s amazing how much energy they build up when they are just sitting around.

After break we do our daily spellings, a spot of reading or writing stories. We have Story Cubes and Fairytale Dice Game which is a fab way of spurring on some creative writing. You roll the dice and have to write a story based on the images that pop up on the 9 dice. I love it. Such a great idea.

Story Cubes

Afternoons with Daddy

We stopped doing the PE with Joe Wicks live at 9am, as we have been eating breakfast later than normal. So PE is done in the afternoon with Daddy. Daddy is also brilliant at the practical exercises. So, in the mornings we are doing the work set out by the teachers that involve the worksheets. In the afternoons they are making and being creative with Daddy.

homeschooling routine with Daddy

So far they have made rafts and tested them to see if they float or not. They have had a bushcraft lesson in the garden where they made stickmen, bow and arrows and a den for wild animals. They have decorated the front window with rainbows to cheer up passers by. They have also baked cakes and done some brilliant drawings for school.

I love the fact they are getting a balance each day of different activities. Some with technology to help, some without and getting out and doing practical things is full of essential life skills. Some times they are not in the mood, we have had a lot of moments where they are being silly and winding each other up. Trying not to stress out too much about it, but it is hard not too.

Do you have any tips on a homeschooling routine? I would love to know in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant.