I have been thinking a lot about the past year and how we deal with the juggle of homeschooling and working from home. It is really tough and a lot of parents are struggling. We have tried 2 different tactics during this time, the first lockdown was different to this time around. Here are my tips on how to manage the juggle and some interesting stats from parents who are currently trying to master the juggle!

So, not only is it a struggle homeschooling and homeworking, altogether, in the same house. It is a complete mess too.

The first lockdown we took it very seriously and if I am honest, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves. Daddy would start work in the early hours of the morning until lunchtime, whilst I play teacher with the kids. Then we would swap over and I would work through until the late hours in the evening. It didn’t feel sustainable, and the light at the end of the tunnel kept moving further back. We managed to keep that going from 23 March 2020 right through to the end of July. It was tiring. The relief of the school holidays, but the panic of “what do we do with the kids now”. We managed lots of beach days, long walks and outdoors times.

This time around we haven’t got the luxury of splitting our days up like before. I am in a job that requires my attention and Hubby is rounding down his job as he starts a new one in April. He is very excited about this. We are also working in a smaller, more confined space, as the conservatory isn’t available because of the cold. We are literally having to work, and keep the kids controlled at the same time. It is really hard work, I definitely feel guilty to both the kids and my employer. It’s a horrible mental juggle everyday. The teachers have told us to get the kids to push back any questions to them, so that’s what we do.

I received these stats the other day and I thought they were really interesting. Glassdoor® conducted a survey of 2,004 parents who are doing the juggle. I completely relate too as I feel the first 2 are completely how I feel.

  • 43% of employees working from home and homeschooling feel that they are not doing a good job for their employer
  • 39% of employees admit they often ignore their children while working from home
  • Typical homeworker interrupted 6 times per day by children
    • 20% of employees working from home lock themselves in a room in order to cope with the stress of having children in the house all day

I am really hopeful that lockdown will start to ease soon and we will have a little more freedom, oh and the kiddies will go back to school. We should find out relatively soon whether the restrictions are going to be lifted which will hopefully ease of these pressures that parents are facing right now; ease the juggle of homeschooling.