Worrying about everyone can be my biggest issue, every Christmas. I always get the Christmas guilt. Have I got the right presents? Do I need to buy more presents? Have I seen people? But you can also feel it when the pressure comes to buy the latest and greatest things for your kids. I also feel guilty about spending time with the family as I work right up to Christmas, usually.

Spend More Time with Your Kids

Children love to get presents. Of course, they do. But they only provide temporary happiness. What kids really want and need is stability, love, and care. This can be hard if you are separated, and they can feel like they are in the middle. So spending time with them becomes more important. If your ex is preventing you from seeing your kids, consult a firm like Beyond Law. They have specialists that can help you settle disputes during the most challenging times.

Try Not to Overspend on Gifts

A major factor over Christmas is how much you spend on gifts. Things like video game consoles cost hundreds. And even games themselves are becoming very expensive. Combined with the cost of living crisis and trying to heat your home over one of the coldest winters on record, money is an issue for millions of people right now. So using up money you don’t really have will just make you feel worse, and it makes more sense to buy what you can afford to stay warm.

Reduce Christmas Guilt by Planning Your Food

Food waste is a problem all over the world. And it gets worse at Christmas. In the UK alone, the equivalent of 42 million Christmas dinner plates ends up in the bin. This makes no sense and is a waste of money as well as good food. And if you waste like this, you are guaranteed to feel bad about it. Fortunately, you can easily reduce the guilt from food waste if you plan what you need. For example, try a chicken instead of turkey and source smaller portions of vegetables.

Don’t Get into Debt

No matter the time of year, the guilt of getting into debt can be overwhelming. But at Christmas, it can all but ruin your celebrations. Of course, the kids might have what they want. But what’s the real cost? Perhaps you take out a loan and cannot afford the monthly repayments. In this case, your debt will spiral, adding to your burden. Or if you overuse your credit card, your credit score will be negatively impacted when you struggle to repay the funds.

Celebrate the Ones You Have Lost

Over your lifetime, you make many treasured memories with your loved ones. However, some of your loved ones may not be around anymore and have passed. The grief and guilt from this can be one of the worst you can endure, especially the first few Christmases. However, you can help alleviate the burden by raising a glass and celebrating the times shared with those you love who can no longer be around to wish you a very merry Christmas once more.

It’s pretty common to feel Christmas guilt at this time of year. You can help yourself relieve some pressure by spending time with the kids, reducing waste and celebrating passed loved ones.

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Last Update: Wednesday, 14th December 2022