WOW! What a month it has been. I think because March has been so ever-changing, it has actually flown by really quickly. I thought I would recap the March photo challenge 2020 with my favourite photos from all that took part in #mummyphotoaday.

There have been lots of lovely photos from everyone that joined in, beautiful Spring shots and family lifestyle photos too. I thought I would feature my favourites from the month. A big thank you to everyone that tagged their photos.

A Nature shot

This colourful shot from Descendents_of_war, I love her creativity as Ruby turns ordinary photos into fun moving videos. I cannot wait to see what she makes everyday, always something fun and different. Which is lovely to see.

An action shot

Tanya from @socalshopgirl384 always posts brilliant photos from over in Cali, in the USA. I love her photos, she has a big family of boys and they are always doing something exciting and inspiring. I wish we had the nice sunny weather all year round too!

A gorgeous family shot

I love this photo from, Katy and her babies. Absolutely gorgeous photo of her and her little ones. Something so simple too, just chilling in the garden. Something we have come to learn is just perfect in such uncertain times.

A foodie shot

This is so gorgeous, @houseofbaughs captured baking with her daughter perfectly. Such a loving and beautiful shot between Mummy & daughter. I hope their cakes turned out well!

A home shot

A new member of the community, @cultivatingdelight, Jenni has some great ideas for family entertainment and home. This is a gorgeous bouquet of daffodils, they always cheer everyone up I think.

A fashion shot

I always love @sahrazade, her photos are such brilliant ideas and fun. She doesn’t show off herself very often, so I grabbed Sara whilst I could! haha. Please check out the fun photos of her beautiful babies, such creativity.

Thank you for joining in with the March Photo Challenge 2020. Please do not forget to check out the April photo challenge 2020 prompts. I am really looking forward to seeing what beautiful photos are shared in April! Thank you to everyone that joins in.

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Our Family,

Last Update: Tuesday, 31st March 2020