It started last night, properly, I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the bathroom floors and it was 11pm! Why on earth I decided that a) 11pm was the time to do it and it couldn’t wait until morning and b) they needed cleaning so badly was beyond me: I just needed to do it! Even hubby walked in and asked me what I was playing at, so late and followed with “I can do it”… Still didn’t stop me, i was on a mission and that mission was bathroom clean.

As a result I have a nicely scrubbed bathroom, shiny bath/sink tabs which always makes me happy and a lovely smelling bathroom and shower room. Yes I have both, so I was cleaning both! Wiping around the toilets, scrubbing around the floors, cleaning around shower floor where dust collects… There was no stopping me! Thankfully I have some new Dettol bathroom wipes which helped me out loads (and I’ll discuss them in a separate post mummies) I even brought about £15 worth of products, just for the toilets when I did our weekly supermarket shop. I must be crazy. That’s chocolate money!!

Today has been much of the same, Noah safely tucked up for his nap… Out came the bleach, floor cleaner and Dettol kitchen spray!! Another mission to be had, this time the kitchen, conservatory and lounge. Not only have I been shifting things around, trying to make shelves look less cluttered etc I’ve been scrubbing floors, shelves and cupboard doors… Oh yes and even our kitchen bin!!! I kid you not. Admittedly our kitchen lino is just horrific, you could clean it every 5 mins and it would still look horrible as it has a horrid pattern, but I did scrub it, hard, twice today in the space of an hour. First with kitchen floor cleaner that had a floral scent and because that didnt smell clean enough for me I went over it with just pure bleach!

It appears to be the smell of cleanliness I’m after. Not so much the cleanliness itself, obviously that’s a positive side effect of cleaning- but the neediness for me is to have the house and rooms smelling clean. My toilets constantly smell fresh and clean now, the floors are clean and smell nice and the overall smell that hits you when you enter my house now is just wonderful! I am guessing this is what is known as nesting, something I didn’t get with Noah as much?!


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Isla Rae,

Last Update: Tuesday, 24th April 2012