We all would prefer to possess the right body type, the right shape. Now, there is no real perfect body shape as it’s all in the eye of the beholder, but we all have our preferences. Some people like to be super lean; some prefer to have a bit of muscle – there is no right answer as long as our insides are operating well, and we’re happy with everything personally. For me, it is to flatten out my stomach a bit , so my baby girl stops from asking if I am having a baby!

The big issue here is how to actually get into that body shape. Many people have the goal, but they never truly reach their potential due to a lack of knowledge and discipline. Working out and eating the correct meals are habits that can be learned and unlearned, so it’s just a case of getting into that mindset and knowing what you’re doing. If you want to transform into the physical state you desire, then here’s what to do:

Do A Little Research And Learn A Few Things

If you don’t know the basics, then you’re not going to get anywhere near the result you want. To begin with, you don’t need to be the most seasoned gym veteran in order to get what you desire – you just need to do the fundamentals correctly. Figure out the right foods. Learn about how many calories you burn a day. Look at the kinds of exercises you’ll need in order to get the body of choice. Once you have the basics, you gain a good foundation to play around with. There are so many different exercises you can choose from to get that right shape too.

Try All Kinds Of Workouts 

At the end of the day, what works for some may not work for others – you have to pick out what you enjoy and what tests you. Something too easy or difficult will not work as you won’t get the maximum strain on the muscle that you’re looking for. There are all kinds of programs, from strength-building to muscle-building, you won’t run out of ideas. You could even use something specific like a Joe Rogan workout or something a famous fitness guru prescribes. 

Note Down What’s Working And What Isn’t

Your body is different from somebody else’s. You can eat the exact same as the person stood next to you, and you’ll end up looking different to them. You could take part in the exact same training program as them, and you’ll look different to them, most probably. This is why you need to learn about your own body. You need to figure out how much you should be consuming and how intensely you need to work out. Once you figure out everything regarding your own body, then the rest becomes so simple. 

Don’t Rush Things 

People are quick to find fast results. They see a perfectly sculpted human on Instagram and decide they want to look like them in around six months’ time. That just doesn’t happen – sorry. Wanting to look like others can play havoc with your mind, so you need to understand that it’s a lifestyle change that happens gradually – you won’t look different at the end of your diet’s cycle. Don’t obsess in front of the mirror; it’ll only make you feel bad – even if you’re making good progress. 

Do you have any fab tips on how to get fit and find the right shape for you? I would love to know in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant.