So how does a mum of two young children, full time worker and blogger manage to get fit? Not forgetting the gardening, housework and finding time to actually spend with the children. I didn’t until this year. It wasn’t a tough choice, I was fed up of feeling lethargic and looking at my bulging pouch in my high rise skinnies. 


It all started in January, well tell a lie it started late last year when hubby said he wanted a gym membership and we started it in January of this year. We got a joint membership at our local gym and I started off doing the gym and have ended up using the classes regularly. I go twice a week at the moment: Zumba and The Big 3 (which is like a legs bums and tums class). I enjoy them. My favourite thing is Zumba. I would do this daily if I could. I have often wondered why there aren’t more classes on YouTube. I’ve been using an app called LifeSum to monitor my food intake and some days I’ve been going way over my calorie allowance, but it’s the sugars I need to steer away from. Eating the right foods is something I definitely need to focus on. 

Four weeks ago my husband started a new health regime to get fit with The Body Coach. He is just going into phase two now after four weeks of loosing weight, it’s totally inspiring. He has completely slimmed up, he showed me shorts that were too tight on him last year that literally full down without a belt. He’s been amazing and followed his regime very closely. He has a new diet of food to eat everyday, which depends on whether he does exercise or not and he has an exercise program that he has to do 4/5 times a week which consists of a 25 minute HIT session. I’m really proud of him for what he’s doing. He looks fantastic and I’m excited to see the next phase: toning up! 


I have felt really inspired to do this new regime too, hubby is going to help me understand what he eats and when and what exercises I need to do and I’m going to give it a go. I hope I have as much determination as he does, but my tummy is enough motivation at the moment! 

After four months of gym classes and not drinking as much tea or eating too many cakes, I’m going to really kick this getting fit into gear. 

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Last Update: Sunday, 26th April 2015