As mentioned last week, I flopped out of doing exercise a little bit (look at that dusty kettle bell) and now I am trying to get back in the game. For one it makes me feel energised doing all this exercise and two, it makes my back ache less. Strangely. I am starting up on the HIT sessions again and I need to do four sessions before next Tuesday. 




My HIT session

I am doing 10 reps of these four exercises, with a minute break in-between each cycle. I am doing it for half an hour and yes I am exercising to VEVO on my apple TV box! Music makes me happy, keeps my beat, keeps me focussed. 

  1. Kettle bell raise – lifting the kettle bell above my head and then swinging it in-between my knees. Making sure to bend my knees on the swing. 
  2. Mountain climbers – hands on the floor and pull your knees up to your tummy, like you are running up a mountain. 
  3. Lunge jumps – Not sure what the technical term for this is but doing a deep lunge, then jumping from one leg to the other. 
  4. Press ups – I am useless at these so I do the version with my knees on the floor and feet crossed. It is still a mission to do them then. 
  5. A minute break. 

I am linking up with Fitness 4 Mamas again this week, for #FitnessTuesday. Check out the other fitness posts, the perfect way to gather up some inspiration. 

Fitness 4 Mamas

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Last Update: Tuesday, 2nd June 2015