I am feeling very excited today, after a completely chilled weekend I am feeling reviatlised and ready to take on the week. I have lots of things I need to finish off and sort so that on Friday I can sit back and enjoy my train journey into London, Britmums Live here I come!
I don’t know why, but I have never thought about writing a what I am going to do this week type of post, it is a nice way of having my to do list online all the time though and I suppose a kind of newsletter. I wanted to make sure everyone knew my aspirations when it came to my rainbow cake as I am sure my attempt will not look as delicious!
So that leads me onto the first on my list: my baking project of the week, using my new Lakeland, Wilton Easy Layer Cake Pan Set and creating this fabulous rainbow cake. Not 100% sure on the exact colourings I will use but I am excited to get started. I have always wanted to do something like this. The children will love it too.
I am extremely excited about the finale of Game of Thrones this evening, although I am still on episode 7, so I have a little bit to catch up on before I can keep up with the rest of England. I am nervous for what the end holds but I am happy knowing that Season 6 is being created! I love Game of Thrones, especially the Mother of Dragons. Who wouldn’t want a Drogon?
I have the childrens friends coming over for tea on Thursday after nursery, their first dinner play date and I am probably more excited than they are. I feel grown up and I feel like the children are growing up too. It is nice to have friends who trust me with their friends too! One entertaining children’s meal idea coming up. Smiley faces and Kiev kebabs sounds like a good plan to me.
It is #FitnessTuesday tomorrow and unfortunately I haven’t been able to keep up with my four HIT session plan this week, mainly because for 5 of those days I felt so poorly and up until today I have felt so tired and lethargic. It foiled any fitness plans I may have had. So it’s back to square one for me today, four HIT sessions to complete this week and hopefully Zumba and my gym class if they are not fully booked.
Last but not least I am off to Britmums Live on Friday, yippee! So expect to see a lot of posts about this from me on my blog and social media. I will be filming a what is in my bag post this week so you can see all the goodies I am taking with me, both fashion and beauty, so watch this space or my YouTube channel for more info! I am so excited to check in at The Hoxton and get changed into my gorgeous Coast dress.
Oh and not forgetting my fabulous Cinderella posts and competition coming up this week too! Yes it is a busy week ahead!
The rainbow cake image and running lady image by Shutterstock.