We had a fabulous day in the Spring sunshine yesterday at Sacrewell Farm, it is situated just north of Peterborough and I am so glad we found it. It was a beautiful day and we had so much fun seeing the animals, the baby lambs and stroking the ponies. If you are ever near the area I would completely recommend it.



We started off our day walking around and seeing all the animals in the paddocks, spending many minutes staring at the baby lambs. They looked completely adorable bouncing around the field with their Mummy watching close by. The children then found the maze and spent ages running around, giggling and playing hide and seek, they thought it was brilliant. I loved the fact that you could duck down and see their feet at the bottom of the hedges so I didn’t loose them at all. Cheating I know, but they didn’t know any different. 



 We then walked down to see the maternity ward, so cute to see 3 day old lambs snuggling with their Mummy, I just wanted to cuddle them. We met two very tall shire horses, one of which I fell in love with and wanted to take him home, Edward. He was so handsome and looked like he would be good fun to take on a hack around the beautiful countryside surrounding the farm. We went back to say good bye to him before we left and Isla fell in love with him too, I am sure. You can see in the video I created (below) her little hand stroking his eye at the end, it made my heart melt. Around that end of the farm there is a little stream and the “pooh sticks” bridge which Noah was mesmerised with when he found it, throwing in stones and sticks to watch them float, it was lovely to see his mind whirring. 




 We saw the mill that is being restored, it looks like a fantastic building and I bet it will look amazing when it is finished. We took a tractor ride just before lunch, which covers the parameter of the farm and the driver gave us lots of information about the farm which we wouldnt have found out otherwise, so it was a really good idea. The kids loved bouncing around on it too, of course. After the tractor we sat in the gorgeous sunshine eating our picnic, we had a little visitor from Percy Peacock which was nice, he was rather handsome.



 After lunch we then looked around the other side of the farm, where the rabbits and ferrets live, Isla watched the donkeys for a long time and Noah played with the old machinery, he was obssessed. It was quite funny to see him working out how to make it move, but it wouldnt budge. The children played in the awesome soft play playbarn, which was incredible. They ran around for 30 minutes or so and completely burned off their lunches. It was a good job as we watched the baby lambs have their milk afterwards and needed to be quiet for that. It was so cute watching their little tails wagging as they were so happy about the milk. So cute.

So here is our video of our family trip to Sacrewell Farm, we are looking forward to visiting their again in the summer and hopefully camping:

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall