We are a family of seven: two (almost) grownups, two under 7’s, two dogs and a cat. During the week, we are probably the average family, doing ordinary things. School run routines, work, walking the dogs, feeding, playing, cleaning and sleeping. You know the usual things. So, at the weekends, and some week nights depending on the beautiful sunshine, we love to get out and about. We are always on the go, but when do we get time to ourselves?

Depending on the time we have available, we tend to get out and make an adventure out of something. For example, on Mother’s Day we just went for a walk to the park across the road and that led to exploring the woodland around it and it felt like we could have been in a completely different location. It’s great letting the children be free and make an adventure out of the small things. I think their 18-month age gap makes it quite tough when they are in the house together for a large amount of time.

I am grateful for the fact that I do not suffer with heartburn or indigestion, I remember only getting it once. So usually, we can get out for a day as a family without even a hiccup. I have two friends who cannot do this though and even a meal can be so uncomfortable, they carry Rennie’s around with them all the time.

You may recall a post earlier in the year detailing some major decisions I made around my lifestyle. Although I wasn’t suffering with a physical illness, like the above, I was suffering. I felt quite sad and clouded. I realised I never had time to chill out and be me. I was always in one of my roles: Mum, Wife, Dog owner, Employee, Manager, Blogger. So, I started taking Thursdays off work, I condensed my hours and now I get a Thursday to chill out and be me. That has often been to catch up on my sleep, I am not very good if I get less than 8 hours.

My top tip for life on the go

If I had to take a top tip for life on the go, it would be to make sure that you get some time to yourself. It could be half an hour a day where you are doing “just” what you want. Taking a breather. Make sure you don’t scare yourself with this task though. Make it realistic. Sitting and reading a chapter of a book. A chapter of a book sounds doable compared to telling yourself you are going to read a book! See the difference? Even taking 5 minutes to just sit and count your breathing can sometimes just make life on the go that much more manageable.

When you are doing things all the time, you need to recharge. Otherwise things get on top of you and that isn’t helpful for anyone.

Realistic tasks to achieve with small children around

As you can probably imagine, getting 1 second to yourself can sometimes seem impossible. It might be that you need to get help and support from loved ones or friends to get some respite. But, more than not, you can grab at least 30 minutes a day for yourself.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • When the children have gone to bed run a hot bath and soak yourself for 20 minutes (ignore the washing up and hoovering)
  • Sit in the garden and soak up the surroundings. Watch the trees sway and hear the birds tweet.
  • Read a chapter of a book and put it down. Don’t try to read another if you think you may get interrupted.
  • Change something small in your routine, to make it easier and happier.
  • Learn a new skill – I learnt crochet a couple of years ago and I find it hugely relaxing. I can do this whilst the children play or watch a movie too.
  • Go for a walk. This is THE best way to clear your head and recharge. Something magical happens in your body when you go for a walk, it gets rid of those bad thoughts and helps to battle on through the day. Try it…

I recently came across this “on the go” campaign from Rennie® and it inspired the theme of this post, all thoughts are my own. Rennie are great because many adults suffer from heartburn, indigestion and trapped wind at some point in their lives.

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Our Family,

Last Update: Monday, 3rd April 2017