Getting out and about in Autumn is what this season is all about. Donning your favourite boots or wellies. The kind of footwear that you can put on with big fluffy socks and get wrapped up warm. Not forgetting the big fluffy bobble hat too. We are never short of an outdoor activity or two in Autumn, even the simple things are so much more fun. Here’s what we’ve been up to: 

Leaf throwing at the park 

This is such a great activity. The children love doing this and it feels like we are all about 5 years old again. The magic of playing and having fun with the children. Recently there have been tonnes of leaves in our local park and we get to spend ages throwing them around, at each other and playing chase. We love it. 

Dog walks by the river 

Thursday is a non working day for me, in my day job, so I mostly spend it walking the dogs on longer walks than the rest of the week. The kiddies are great at taking them out with me after school, but we do not get too far altogether. Then at weekends we all go out as a family, which is lovely. We got everywhere from local parks and woods, to further afield and go to the beach or Rutland Water. 

Collecting natures Autumnal best 

Another simple outdoor activity: Isla and Noah love collecting up the nature they spot on our walks. Isla will often have her pockets full of things, like feathers, conkers, big leaves, twigs and bits of bark (that she pretends to be a mobile phone) and she brings them all home with her to use on a rainy day! I love their imagination, I love that it is creative like mine. Making the best out of situations and taking something out of every activity. 

Nature trails 

There are so many fabulous places to go on nature trails, including The National Trust, where we have just renewed our membership. But even woodland like the RSPB Bird Lodge – there is a great trail to follow there (one is not dog friendly though). You can even go for a walk alongside your local river and enjoy what nature has on offer. There are so many places to do this and everything looks amazing in Autumn. 

TEVA sent me these fabulous Arrowood waterproof sneaker boots and I love them. They are so comfortable. This post was inspired by my extremely comfortable boots and where they will take us this Autumn/Winter, all thoughts and opinions are my own. What is your favourite outdoor footwear? I would love to know in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant. 

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Beauty & Fashion,

Last Update: Thursday, 15th November 2018