You’ve probably heard all about diabetes and how unpredictable it can be, but I bet you didn’t know how it has a chance to impact on your own life. First, let’s have a look at diabetes and what it is. There are two types: Type 1 is an autoimmune disease and usually is something that you are born with. Type 1 is commonly diagnosed in childhood and isn’t something you have much control over developing. While Type 2 is usually diagnosed in later life and is generally a result of bad choices in your health.

Type 2 diabetes is the condition that can impact your health right now, without you even realising. A lot of people aren’t aware on the way diabetes can have an effect on their life and how much, until it happens. It’s often associated with excess body weight, meaning that the way you are living is having an effect on your health. If your BMI is too high and you aren’t looking into what you are eating, you’re at a risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Thankfully, there are ways to reverse it and possibly come off the diabetes medication that your doctor will put you on. If you feel like your health is getting out of control and you are heading to the diagnosis that you don’t want, it’s time to take control of your life and steer it in the right direction. Here’s a few of the things that you can do to prevent Type 2 diabetes developing:

  1. Maintain Your BMI. Excess weight gain and obesity are the common denominator for those who develop diabetes. Use your doctor to help you out – they can prescribe you Orlistat weight loss pills and even a gym membership to help you to lose the excess weight in a healthy way. Be careful about the things that you eat, and drink and you can ensure that you don’t climb up the BMI points.
  2. Let Go Of Sugar. While eating your favourite chocolate bar is not going to give you diabetes – despite the rumours – you need to cut back on your sugar intake. This includes reducing things like bread, which is full of complex carbohydrates and sugars that come with it. Have a look here about the best diets for diabetes sufferers and you can grab some great ideas for foods you can eat.
  3. Exercise. It doesn’t just slim your waist, lower your BMI or prevent cardiovascular diseases. Exercise can prevent your development of Type 2 diabetes as it can help you to regulate your blood sugar levels. Your blood pressure can be much improved with regular workouts, and you can feel well within yourself while you do it.

In general, you have to be in control of your life to prevent the development of Type 2 Diabetes later on. It is more common in those over thirty to find themselves at their regular medical check-up only to be told that they will need to depend on medication. Avoid that truth bomb by taking care of you, now.

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Last Update: Friday, 10th November 2017