I have always been close to my grandma so it was inevitable that the kiddies would be close to their great grandma. We try to go there and visit every other week, albeit that can be troublesome with all of the clubs. Having fun is important for the kids at Grandmas, as it is for Grandma herself. There are lots of things we do together, and we try to make it as stress free as possible. 

Playing toys 

The kids love playing with their toys and they sometimes try to include Grandma. They have played with their dinosaur park; they play vets and hide and seek – all popular games. She has the best house to play hide and seek as there are lots of nooks to hide in. It’s fun as I get to show the kids my favourite hiding places from when I was younger. They also love to play chase as the house is quite open plan, we try to keep running to a minimum though. 

Grandmas furniture 

Another favourite game with the children is to play with Grandma’s furniture – one of the first things they do is sit on her electric reclining armchair and zoom it as high as it goes and as tall. They always slide off. It’s cute and become a bit of a ritual. I can imagine if Grandma had one of those stair lifts for the homethey would be zooming up and down the stairs on that too. At the moment she doesn’t, but you just know they would be having a lot of fun on it. 

They have even had lots of fun on Grandma’s electric scooter, they get driven up and down the road on it. It’s funny how Grandma’s items are fun for the children. 

Water fun 

Grandma loves her garden; it is always perfectly pruned. The kiddies love to help her water the flowers and this always ends up in a water fight between the two kids. Grandma joins in sometimes too. Keeping a spare pair of clothes at Grandmas has been necessary over the Summer months. It’s amazing how emptying the water butts can be so much fun to the children. 


I love baking at Grandmas as she has a beautiful kitchen. The kids love baking too and it gives Grandma something to do with them and something to eat afterwards of course! Decorating Gingerbread men, icing cupcakes and enjoying it with a cup of tea is essential. 

We have a little routine when we get to Grandmas, the kids know what to expect and I think this really helps them as it’s “normal”. I do worry that they are a bit much sometimes and we wear Grandma out, but she always tells us she’s enjoyed our visits. And so do we. We love our trips to Grandma’s house! 

What do you think?

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  • Lucinda P
    Friday, January 24, 2020

    How lovely, it’s so nice for little ones to have close relationships with their grandparents. My little boys loves to visit his grandma, we all have so much fun together!

  • Yvonne Wilkinson
    Friday, February 7, 2020

    I’m a grandmother so this was a lovely blog to read

  • paula cheadle
    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    I loved going to my Nan’s at Christmas time

  • Susan Smith
    Friday, February 28, 2020

    I loved visiting my nans house, got away with a lot, but she taught us to bake and sew

  • lynn neal
    Saturday, February 29, 2020

    I think there is a lot to be gained by different generations spending time together!

  • Corinne Hills
    Wednesday, March 4, 2020

    Gareth’s mum is in her 80s and she loves us visiting but I do worry about how much it wears her out. It’s a hard balance! But visiting definitely adds to everyone’s quality of life. I’m glad you have this relationship.

  • Dean Perry
    Tuesday, March 17, 2020

    Great blog post