It can be difficult to avoid long journeys with the kids, whether it’s visiting family that you rarely get to see, or when you head off on a new adventure, these long-haul journeys can be a little stressful. Kids get restless and uncomfortable much more quickly than adults, and keeping them entertained for more than a few hours is not an easy task. However, with these handy tips, you can ensure that the little ones are grinning from ear to ear for the best part of the way!

Pack an activity bag

Without going overboard, packing an activity bag for in the car is a great idea. A few simple toys and books will be all you need. Whether you decide to offer them a book to read, or a more creative option such as a colouring book, just keep the colours to a minimal (for example only give them three pens) and this will be a fun activity to keep them quiet for an hour or two. Try to keep as much stuff as possible in the boot to give the passengers as much space as possible. You may even want to look to buy a car that is bigger than your current vehicle to make each journey more comfortable.

Travel games

There are many games that you probably played as a child to keep yourselves entertained in the car, from eye spy with my little eye to singing songs. This gets all the family involved and looking at the amazing things that surround you on your journey, this is particularly enjoyable for the times when you may be driving down a beautiful country road. It can be both educational and entertaining, just ensure that whoever is driving is focused on the road rather than the songs.

Drinks and snacks

It’s inevitable that the kids will be hungry or thirsty as soon as you set off on the road. Healthy snacks are the favourable option, with fruit pots, carrot sticks, yoghurt pouches and juice boxes, however having a tempting treat for them to enjoy may be a good way to convince them to be good, a little reward here and there makes for a happy child! Space them out over the journey for the best effect.

Spares and repairs

This comes hand in hand with the eating and drinking options, you are likely to be faced with a few messy hands and clothes. So packing a spare outfit of clothes for each child will save you a little hassle in the future, accompanied with a pack of wet wipes and some tissues just to be safe. If the children are prone to naps, you should probably also consider packing a little blanket to keep them warm and cosy, this may make a chunk of the journey more bearable for you all. Preparation is key!

Regular stops

This may make the journey longer; however, it will definitely pay off. Regular stops for toilet breaks and to stretch your legs will be beneficial for not only the children but the adults also! Planning these in advance may be helpful when you are mapping out your journey, so factor in some extra time for these breaks into your total travel time and this will help you to best prepare. If your drive will be particularly long, it may be worth planning to stop off somewhere for a little longer, maybe for a mealtime. Breaks are very important for safe driving, as well as for giving the children some freedom from the car!

Car checks

Before setting off on your adventure, make sure you check your car over, from the oil and water levels to the overall condition. Taking an unworthy car on a journey could be a risk, leaving you sat at the side of the road for hours waiting for help. But by simply performing a few checks to your car, and mentioning any issues to your mechanic pre-trip, you can save yourself hours of unnecessary hassle. You may even decide that it is better to sell your car and buy a new one that will be more reliable, this can be done quickly and easily with a car selling app.  Making sure you have a reliable car will ensure you have a journey with no hiccups and will soon be enjoying your family adventure!

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Last Update: Wednesday, 26th October 2016