If you struggle with your weight, it’s likely you understand how tough it can be to find a weight loss programme that actually works. The good news is, shifting the pounds may be easier than you think. So that 2016 is your healthiest year yet, here is a simple but useful guide that could help you successfully beat the bulge.

Try a weight loss supplement

If you’re looking for help with your weight loss this year, you could try using a medically-approved diet aid treatment. For example, alli is a weight loss supplement that has been clinically proven to boost weight loss and it could help you shift more weight than through diet and exercise alone. This particular treatment contains the active ingredient orlistat, which works to reduce the amount of fat you absorb from the food you eat. Although alli is an effective diet aid for overweight adults aged 18 and over, it is usually only recommended to be used by those who have a BMI of 28 or above. For more information about weight loss treatments such as alli, you could speak to your GP or seek advice from an online pharmacy such as www.lloydspharmacy.com.

shutterstock_198854129Adopt healthier eating habits

Eating healthily is key when you’re looking to slim down. If you’re guilty of eating too much of the wrong types of food, perhaps you could benefit from making a few changes to your diet. You should aim to keep your diet balanced and varied and it should ideally consist of plenty of fruit and vegetables, starchy foods such as bread, rice and potatoes, protein such as meat, fish, eggs, milk and other dairy foods. To get you on the right track, you could start by simply opting for healthier meals. For example, instead of having a slice of buttery toast for breakfast, you could choose to have a bowl of fresh fruit as an alternative. Adopting healthier eating habits, such as ditching junk food, is a great way to keep your waistline under control.

Stick to a fitness regime

It’s no secret that exercise can help you shift the unwanted pounds. So, if you are eager to stay trim and lean, make sure you do lots of activity and keep your body moving. You should aim to take part in at least 150 minutes of exercise every week. From cycling, to running, to swimming, there are a whole host of different activities for you to choose from. Whether you decide to hit the gym or take part in a dance class, you should soon see positive changes to your physique, so why not seize the new year as the perfect opportunity to up your fitness game? When accompanied by a healthy, balanced diet, sticking to a regular fitness regime could help you slim down and improve your overall wellbeing.

Whether you choose to alter your diet, do more exercise or try a weight loss supplement, slimming down can be easy if you put your mind to it.

weight loss image and vegetable image by ShutterStock. 

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Last Update: Tuesday, 10th May 2016