We love the beach, we love packing up the car and heading to our favourite beach for the day, as a family. It is the perfect way to unwind and we love the sea breeze in our face and sand in toes. What we do not like is the collection of sand in the car on the way home and then the house covered in sand too. The Tesalate sand-free towel stops this from happening and are super stylish too.
Tesalate is an Australian-designed beach towel. They came about by the creators coming back from the beach with a sand-laden towel. It is made with innovative technology; AbsorbLite’s engineering allows sand to slip off easily. The towels can absorb up to a litre of water and it dries in half the time of a normal towel. You can get these towels in 2 sizes, a double and single. We have one of each and they are perfect for family trips to the beach.

I have the The Alchemist in a double and Cali Sunset in a single size. They are perfect for holidays too, they do not weigh a great deal and so can fit easily into a suitcase. We took the double towel to Crete last year and it was just perfect for our day trips to the beach.

Discount code on a sand-free towel
If you want to get a 10% discount on your sand-free towel, sign up on the Tesalate website and a code will be sent direct to your email address before you purchase.
These towels make great gifts for loved ones as not only are they really effective beach towels they are so pretty. I use them as a blanket when we go out as a family, as well as on the beach. A great idea for any beach loving loved one.
Do you like going to the beach? I would love to hear about the worse place you have found sand when returning from the beach. Let me know in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant. Check out all of the different sand-free towel designs on the Tesalate website.
When I go for a dip in the sea and come back to my towel and find sand has crept onto it, it really drives me mad because as I shake it it then goes onto my wet skin and viola…. I then get sore and chaffed. This towel seems like the perfect answer
I’m tempted to buy one of these for my dog when we go to the beach!