We love Poopsie over here at Constant HQ (that sounds very important doesn’t it?). The school Summer term finishes on 23 July 2020 and that will mean no more logging into our school app to check for work. At the moment, we are planning for a September return to school life and so we want to make sure they have a fun Summer Holiday that incorporates fun activities. This is great for all those slime lovers out there: #PoopsieTimeforSlime.

What is #PoopsieTimeforSlime?

This is hours of fun for the little ones and very messy play! There’s something about messy play that lures them in and they have so much fun playing with it. Slime play is creative and it’s a fun boredom buster during the Summer Holidays. The aim of our task is to make our own slime and have fun using the Poopsie toys too.


The kids started off by opening the Poopsie toys, which contained the magic ingredients for making the slime. We received a Poopsie Sparkly Critters, Poopsie Rainbow Surprise Makeup Surprise and Cutie Tooties Surprise. The kids loved discovering their new characters that revealed themselves from the surprises. I love the fact that both Noah and Isla had fun with the toys and making the slime.


We then added all of the craft items that we wanted and made them as colourful and full of fun as we could. We had handfuls of glitter, pom poms and multi coloured slime. Once the kids made the slime from the toys, they add their extras to make super slime. So much fun!


Do your kiddies love slime? Get them making their own slime creations this Summer, I would love to see them on Instagram, share with #PoopsieTimeforSlime and tag @poopsieslimesurprise too. Lots of fun to keep them entertained for a couple of hours.