We love getting out and about on our scooters, we find great places to explore all of the time and this one is a great scoot route. We started out at Willington, Danish Camp and took the “cycle” route all the way to Bedford priory park where we stopped to have lunch. Then scooted back. It was nearly 9 miles and the children scooted it all, I was so impressed. We had great fun.


Willington – Bedford scoot route

I logged our trip on Strava, so you can see a clear map of our route (there and back is the same), you can see in more detail the route on my Strava profile and you can see distance in miles/time etc. We thought it was a great path, only slightly less comfortable as you get to Country Park in Bedford as it isn’t smooth concrete like the rest of the route. I would say about 3% of it is more of a bike track than a scoot route, only enough to slow you down. Not completely stopping you.


I would love to hear more of your scoot routes, if you have any to share, in or around Beds, Herts or Cambs areas. We are always up for trying new places and making new memories. If you would like to get your own family equipped with scooters, kids and grown ups, then please do visit the micro scooter website for more information: www.micro-scooters.co.uk.

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Our Family,

Last Update: Friday, 17th June 2016