Noah loved his trip to Cornwall and every morning, after a cup of tea and porridge, him and Daddy would take the doggies to the beach for a lovely long walk across Watergate Bay. It was fab because the beach is so huge, the season is autumn and therefore not a great deal of people on the beaches and it was just clear sands across the beach. The first day we got there it was pretty windy, but Noah wasn’t put off. He was talking away and running after the dogs. It was really funny.

He would get home and tell me all about it, in his half Noahish and half English conversations, I could just about make out some words like Daddy and puppies – the other words could have been anything bless him.

I think having Daddy around for the week brought him a lot of confidence, especially with his talking. He started doing silly things at the cottage, like silly walks and playing with Daddy a lot more. But we also had to let him grow up quite a bit as there was no stairgates and the downstairs was open plan – so little fingers in the kitchen when you are trying to have a cuppa in the lounge. It was quite a tiring week of “Not that Noah, its hot” “careful Noah” and the main one we repeated was “Noah these are stairs, you have to be careful and go down on your bum”.

We would put him up to bed, in an adult single bed, and 10 minutes later (after finishing his milk) he would wander down the stairs in to the lounge where me and Daddy were waiting and he would give us his milk, for a refill. As much as I wanted to smile and give him a big hug for being a little cutie, growing up tot, we had to be firm and make sure he understood the stairs are dangerous and he needs to stay in bed. Towards the end of the week he was just throwing the bottle down the stairs, as if to hint “Mummy/Daddy, fill it up NOW PLEASE!”. He is quite amusing.

Tantrums are still occurring, but few and far between now, he wants lollies at breakfast & more tea and biscuits every half an hour, so controlling these wants is masterful. I have learnt that direct No’s when he is not expecting a No is not a good idea. For example if he is hungry and I say NO then gets so upset, but to be honest, why shouldn’t he eat if he’s hungry!! I can’t stop him from being hungry, but asking for a lolly is going to get a NO, so instead I change it to lollies are bad for breakfast, lets have something else instead. This seems to be working a treat.

He’s growing up quickly and learning so much at the moment, I cannot believe he is 2 very very soon.

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Last Update: Sunday, 4th November 2012