As we are making our way through the eight week of lockdown, I was honoured to be nominated by To Yorkshire and Beyond, to write about the positive things I have come across during lockdown. Finding the lockdown silver linings in tough situations like this helps us to get through these trying times and I am a half glass full kind of person anyway… so here are the things that I am feeling positive about during this time.

Family time

I have loved having more family time together, we are always so busy; visiting everyone and going places. It has been a welcome change to take a step back. It’s just been us and us alone. We have got out as a family to walk the dogs, which rarely happened mid week before and we are eating all 3 meals together, which only happened at weekends before. It’s been so lovely to sit together and talk about things. I feel that we have all bonded because of it. It’s probably my most favourite of the lockdown silver linings.

family time

Spending time with the pets

It has been so nice to get out and walk the dogs as a family more. Rambo is stuck to Noah like glue and I think they will both feel really sad when things go back to normal. Even the cat has socialised more with the children, normally we only see him when the children are in bed. They have helped feed the pets, they are doing daily tricks with the dogs and are snuggling with them a lot too. It’s nice seeing Rambo leaping into Noah’s bed to say goodnight in the evenings. I love their bonds.


Working from home

I am really enjoying working from home. Obviously homeschooling is extremely stressful and there’s absolutely no time for anything else when I have to be teacher. However, when the kids go back to school, I am hoping that I can carry on working from home. I feel so happy in my home. Being with the pets all day, even if they are just snuggling at my feet, listening to the birds singing in the garden, making a cup of tea in my favourite mug. Then the environmental elements: I am not in the car for an hour a day, so saving fuel and fumes! It all helps. I usually work from home once a week, but I am hoping that I can do this a lot more after lockdown. I want this to be my new normal!

working from home

Comfortable clothes

As the rest of the Country has been doing the same, it’s been loungewear all the time and everyday! I have loved sitting in leggings, hoodies and tees. My favourite kind of clothes are comfortable clothes, I would say surfer style clothes is what I prefer to wear. It’s been lovely to put my heels and work dresses away for a little while. However, I am a little nervous they won’t fit after lockdown! haha.

comfortable clothes

Teaching the kiddies

I have been loving the teaching malarkey. It did take me a few weeks to wrap my head around the guilt of not working as much as I normally do. It was a sudden realisation that I am working, just not what I normally do for a job. Half of my week I am a teacher and the other half of the week I am a Project Manager and in-between I am a blogger/influencer, parent and wife! Wow… it’s a busy week! 🤩 Once I got over the worrying, I enjoyed the teaching. I spend some of my Sunday’s preparing the work for the week: word maps on the whiteboard, printing worksheets and tidying up the work from the previous week. It’s hard trying to get the children to concentrate all of the time, but on the whole they are doing really well. They whoosh through their work and then have the end of the week for fun. Bike rides, baking and LEGO are top of the list for the extra curricular activities.

home learning

I have really enjoyed writing this post, I am really grateful that we still have our health and our lovely home to seek solace in. I nominate the lovely Liz from The Mummy Editorial. Looking forward to reading your lockdown silver linings Liz!

What are you finding the positives in during lockdown? I would love to know in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant.

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Our Family,

Last Update: Tuesday, 12th May 2020