Fitness isn’t something I am really passionate about, it’s more that I know I have to keep fit and I want to feel more self confident. In order to do that I want to feel comfortable in my skin and I currently do not. I wouldn’t wear a Bikini anymore. I wouldn’t wear cropped tops. I struggle to feel nice in outfits unless they hide my tummy area. So, with a bid to try and do something about the parts I am not happy about I have picked up on my fitness. Finding the right activity for me has been a long journey though!
What is the right activity for you?
Finding something that suits you is quite a tough thing in itself. I found that running long distances or in a racing capacity didn’t make me happy at all. I dreaded running when I was trying to run for longer and longer. Why do something that makes you unhappy? So I stopped. But I stopped running altogether. Since having the kiddies my weight has fluctuated a lot and I am now the largest dress size I have ever been, due to my tummy area. So, I know I needed to do something.

I thought long and hard about it; what do I love? I love convenience. I love fun. I love small goals. I really enjoy HIIT exercises as it breaks the 20 minute exercise into 40 seconds and 20 second slots. Which for me, feels quicker and allows me to countdown the exercise so I feel like I am accomplishing the smaller goals as I go.
I love the trampoline and when I discovered my local trampoline park do exercise classes I signed up quickly. It is a 45 minute exercise class and it goes by really quickly as it’s fun. I feel like a kid again bouncing along doing the exercises!
I have started doing my HIIT runs at lunchtime too, for me it is a great way of trying to get some exercise and giving me something to think about when I run. Otherwise I get bored and want to stop. So, I give myself a half an hour time frame and I monitor my heart rate so I push my heart rate to a high rate, then let it drop. It is a great way of incorporating the HIIT rules into a run, which I can do in my lunch breaks. It’s something I am actually enjoying, so that is a great win for me.

Finding the right fitness fashion
Not only is it important to find the right activity, but it is important to find the right fashion to suit the fitness too. You need the right leggings for example: I have flexible ones for trampolining as they do not fall down – I can jump to my hearts content without a worry. I have leggings with pockets for when I go running, so I can run with my phone and I know it’s safe. I use it for taking photos along the runs or monitoring my path (if I am running somewhere new).
Finding the right trainers can be tricky. I wanted something that looked fashionable and had that comfort support for my feet whilst I was doing the high intensity training. FitFlop are my go to for comfortable footwear and I love the fact they do trainers. These Freya suede trainers have a chunky heel so they give me a little bit of height but that is really comfortable to run in too.

They are made using a Microwobbleboard (what a great word), which means it looks after the 3 main parts of your foot: toes, arch and heel. The sole is a medium firmness at the toes as this allows you to push off better, in the middle it is softer to maximise comfort and at the heel it is firm to reduce the impact. It is so clever.
FitFlop offers this Spring
FitFlop have some amazing offer codes for my readers and I thought I would share them all with you below:
20% off your first order – use the code NEWADDICT at the shopping cart on your first order.
10% off the Outlet items – use the code WINTER10 at the shopping cart on any outlet items. Valid until the end of February.
Spend £150 and save £30 (not including the sales) – use the code SAVE30 at the shopping card if you spend over £150, not including the sale items. Valid until the end of April.
What are your fitness fashion finds? I would love to know what works for you and if you have any top exercise tips for us parents! Please comment below or find me on social media: @mummyconstant.
I haven’t run for a while and the very thought of running….. well blurggghhhh
But when I did the couch to 5k last year, as I progressed and was able to run for longer periods of time I started enjoying it more and more. I really should start again, as I know I’ll love it. It’s just the motivation to get through those 1st couple weeks
Ooh i love these. I’m in a wheelchair but still want trainers to support my feet and have struggled to find some.
I feel the same about running!! Tried it, hated it. I bought myself a trampette and this seems to be working well for me at the moment.
Getting older has made me thinking about becoming fitter, having spent 12 years abroad, not doing much at all i put on weight and im not fit at all, so im now thinking what can i do, im not built for running, but ive been thinking about dancing for fitness when this lockdown is finished, i think you have to find the right niche for yourself, getting fit has to be enjoyable if not you will fail
Come on girl! You are an inspiration. May i say you look fantastic!