This months Me & Mine is coming from our little National Trust adventure at Anglesey Abbey over the Easter holidays, I couldn’t resist using them as they are just so fun and colourful. I love happy, bright and colourful photos of us all. It was lovely to get some up to date shots of everyone too, Isla seems to be changing dramatically every month – I think it’s the hair…


The photo above makes me giggle as Isla looks totally cute and cheeky at the same time bouncing around with Daddy and Noah was just looking at us as if to say “what are you doing to my Mummy?”. I am glad I didn’t have all three of them sitting on me and bouncing, it was bad enough with Daddy, I mean Isla! We stopped at this point for half an hour and got some great family shots with the road of bright green grass behind us. We thought it would make for a great backdrop – we were right! I love these photos, very much.


Looking back on April, it has been up and down, full of desperate points and also the total opposite. I think April has pushed The Constants to the boundaries but we have definitely come out of it with the sun shining and very looking forward to May. Little Isla is going to be 2 on the 10th of May which is not very long away at all now. I am so excited for her. She has started to sing Happy Birthday and she gets all shy when she gets to her name part. May also has a Nanny birthday in it, so another lovely birthday to look forward to. Hopefully it will be full of lots of sunny family photos and pretty dresses and cool clothes! Oh and not forgetting my annual rape seed field photo – I still need to do one of these.

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My favourite photo of the bunch, which is now my desktop on my laptop and work computer, just because I love it so much, is the one below. Noah isn’t looking at the camera admittedly, but I just love it. It shows their characters completely at the moment: Isla is playful and crazy, Noah is demonstrating what life will be like with a stroppy teenager in the house. Big cheesey grins from Mummy & Daddy too, which will bring us into a happy May.


dear beautiful

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Last Update: Wednesday, 30th April 2014