
2 years ago, at this precise time, I gave birth to him & he’s all mine.
From bump to babe, the cutest boy,
little Noah appeared, I felt such joy.

His tiny feet & tiny hands,
were delicate with no demands.
Moments between us, always there,
inside my heart, I’ll always care.

He changed so much, over the days,
we loved him more in so many ways.
Watching, learning, soaking things up,
he’s forever buzzing & never shuts up!

The thing we love, but not most of all,
is his curly locks, the way they fall.
His cutie cheeks, the way he smiles,
his silly run – goes miles & miles.

Two whole years, we’ve been blessed,
with an amazing son & lots of mess.
Everyday is full of fun,
tantrums, playtime – his fathers son!

Now he’s bigger & part of a 2,
he loves his sister & she does too.
I never thought I’d feel this love,
but here I am, its like a glove….

He fits in with us so very well,
from the very first day, I think I fell…
I’m all loved up with my little man,
a lifetime is left, well that’s the plan.

So happy 2nd birthday boy,
enjoy the fuss, the clothes, the toys.
Just remember, 1 small thing,
your love for us, such joy it brings.



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Last Update: Friday, 9th November 2012