When you have kids, there are a lot of things to think about in terms of keeping them safe. Therefore, it is important to take some extra health and safety precautions in your home.Β I remember when I had Noah, I didn’t really have a clue and there were a lot of things I learned by “mistakes” happening and when Isla came along I fixed those problems. For example – covering sharp corners!

Photo by Danny Nee on Unsplash

Here Are A Few Things To Keep In Mind:

Keep Dangerous Chemicals Out of Reach

Make sure all dangerous chemicals are stored safely out of reach of children. This includes cleaning products, laundry detergent, and other household chemicals.

Use Child-Safe Locks on cabinets and drawers

Install child-safe locks on all cabinets and drawers that contain potentially dangerous items such as knives, power tools, or cleaning supplies.

Install Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home and test them regularly to ensure they’re working properly.

Keep an Eye on Water Temperature

Always test the water temperature before allowing your child to take a bath or swim in a pool or hot tub. The water should be lukewarm, not hot.

Use Gates at the Top and Bottom of Stairs

If you have stairs in your home, use gates at the top and bottom to prevent children from falling.

Supervise Children Around Pets

Never leave young children alone with pets, even if the pet is well-behaved. Animals can sometimes act unpredictably, and kids may not understand how to properly interact with them.

Be Careful With Candles and Other Open Flames

Never leave candles or other open flames unattended, and keep them out of reach of children.

Store Guns Safely

If you have guns in your home, make sure they’re stored safely and out of reach of children. It’s also a good idea to take a gun safety course, so you know how to properly handle and store firearms.

Bathroom Safety

The bathroom is another room where there are potential hazards for children. Again, keeping the floor clean and free of spills is important to prevent slips and falls.

Keep Sharp Objects Out of Reach

Keep knives, scissors, and other sharp objects out of reach of children. If possible, store them in a locked cabinet or drawer.

Teach Kids About Stranger Danger

Make sure your kids know what to do if a stranger approaches them. For example, teach them to never go off with someone they don’t know and always tell an adult if someone makes them uncomfortable.


The kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedrooms are full of potential hazards for children, so it’s important to take some extra safety precautions in these rooms and ensure that the bathroom, living room and kitchen hygiene are up to par.

Keep an Eye on Your Child at All Times

This may seem like common sense, but it is important to remember that kids can get into trouble quickly, so it’s important to always supervise them closely.

Final Thoughts

Following these safety precautions will help keep your children safe and healthy. However, it is also important to always supervise your kids and be aware of their whereabouts. You can create a safe environment for your family by taking some simple steps.

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