Well it’s been a while now since my last post, but a lot has happened and I want to write about my experiences over the past 5 days, but it’s too much for one post… So let me start by introducing you all to my beautiful baby daughter and the rest will follow.

Isla Rae was born on Thursday 10th May 2012, weighing a dinky 5lb 12oz. I still can’t believe how tiny she is and how much smaller than Noah was. It’s also amazing how much she looks like Noah did as a baby but without all the hair. She has mummy genes!

She is a very good girl and we were totally surprised to find we had a baby girl, we were expecting a little boy. I think it’s because we have a little boy and everything is “him”, you just get used to it all being a little blue. Especially in my house, even the pets are all male!

40+5 days overdue, but we got there in the end. It was completely different to the experience I had with Noah from the week before hand right to the birthing story. I am happy to say that the birth went well and I am really over the moon with how that went, which has healed a lot of memories that were a little raw from Noahs birthing story. The after birth went a little pear shaped, but I will write about that separately.

The photo to the left is taken off my iPhone in hospital, she is 1 day old and wearing the outfit that we brought for Noah’s first outfit, we wanted to do the same for Isla.

The photo at the top of the page is taken when Isla is about 12 hours old, look at the state of my puffy face! Well, I had just given birth and been through a bit of trauma: so I’m sure you’ll let me off!

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Isla Rae,

Last Update: Friday, 27th October 2017