Making marzipan fruits is a fun and accessible way to develop your modelling skills. Because marzipan is more pliable and easy to work with than ready to roll icing it has a shallower learning curve, you don’t need to worry so much about over- or under-kneading and ending up with cracks and splits in your finished models. Marzipan also takes colour very well, which means it’s easy to create extremely lifelike models. And it tastes fantastic too.


To get you started on your marzipan modelling journey we thought we’d offer a few hints on how to create brilliant marzipan fruits.

Marzipan Oranges

Let’s start nice and easy. To make oranges you’ll need some marzipan (obviously), some orange food paste to colour the marzipan, a toothpick to texture the “skin” and some cloves.
Take your marzipan and use a toothpick to add a small amount of food colouring to it. Remember to use colouring sparely at first, you can always add more if you need a more intense shade. Then start kneading the marzipan, working the colour through. Once you’ve achieved the colour you want begin rolling small balls to make the oranges. Then, using a toothpick, gently prick the surface of the marzipan to give it the dimpled look of orange skin. Pop a clove in one end and that’s your marzipan orange complete.


Making marzipan apples might seem as easy as oranges on the surface, but actually there’s a little more skill involved if you want to achieve a realistic looking fruit.
You can begin by colouring the marzipan as above, in either green or red depending on your taste. Remember to go really light on the colouring at first.
Shape the apple up, and then it’s time to add some life to your fruit. If you’ve made green apples take a very small amount of red food colouring paste and dab it onto the surface with a paint brush, spreading it lightly and blending it into the green to give your apple a flash of colour. You can do the same with red apples using a green food colour paste.
Now make a small stalk out of marzipan dyed with brown colour. Dye some marzipan green and cut out a leaf shape, using a scriber to etch in the veins. Press a hole into the top of your apple and position the stalk and leaf, using a dab of water to secure them.



For this you’ll need a bright yellow colour paste and some brown and green too. Colour your marzipan with the bright yellow colouring and then roll it out into a sausage shape. Cut the sausage into sections to give you the number of bananas you want. Then begin shaping them by hand. Give them a curve and also remember that bananas are not perfect tubes, but have an angular quality to the skin. Taper them at the end and add a clove at bottom, then shape up the stalk. Taking some brown colour paste paint specks here and there to give them a ripened appearance and add a little splash of green on the stalk.


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Follow these simple steps and you’ll be making amazing marzipan fruits in no time. And these techniques can be adapted to any kind of fruit you want: plums, grapes,

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Food & Drink,

Last Update: Thursday, 24th April 2014