As a parent, your children always come before anything else. Without a shadow of a doubt, parenthood is the toughest occupation in the world – you have an endless to-do list, obstacles to overcome on a daily basis, no clear instructions on how to deal with unexpected issues and a huge amount of responsibility.
When you think about it, if you can manage as a parent, you’re in a prime position to manage almost any business you can put your mind to – time permitting, of course. One of the biggest workplace obstacles faced by parents of young children is flexibility: finding a way to address the work-life balance can be difficult, particularly when you’re trying to dress and feed an unruly toddler while simultaneously attempting to prevent their sibling from doodling on the wall (again).
Thankfully, in the UK there’s a simple way to be your own boss, choose your own hours and still find time for raising a family: starting one of the many home based or internet franchises that are available today.
There are opportunities to operate home-based franchises across a huge variety of industries. The 2020s are truly the era of the “parentpreneur”, as increasing numbers of mums and dads strive for increased flexibility in their working lives – but what exactly are the benefits of franchising for parents?
Relative financial safety
Generally speaking, owning a franchise is considered a safer financial undertaking than starting your own business from scratch. When you become a franchisee, you’re joining an established network or brand with a proven business model and a track record to prove it.
Parents of young children are more likely to take a cautious approach to business investment than a startup entrepreneur with no ties or commitments. Parenthood is a huge responsibility, and financial failure simply isn’t an option – which is why joining an established brand is such an attractive proposition.
When you open a franchise, you’re not having to test the waters or go through several development stages. Instead, you can enjoy the benefits and marketing clout of a well-respected brand.
Huge support network
The fact that home based franchises are often low cost franchises isn’t the only benefit. The co-operative and supportive nature of the franchise model appeals to many parents. This is because in many respects, starting a business is similar to having a new baby. Both require time, nurturing and attention to thrive. As any parent will attest, having a support network – be it a partner, spouse, extended family or local parent-and-child group – is invaluable.
Likewise, having a network to rely on in business is paramount to growth and success. When you’re backed by an established team, the daunting leap into the world of self-sufficiency and being your own boss somehow feels much less frightening. Franchising sounds like a really good source of networking!
As a priority in life, children take up a lot of time. Daily commitments such as the school run, medical appointments, play dates, recreational activities and ensuring children are fed, cleaned and looking presentable can all present a challenge for the modern working parent.
Thankfully, owning a franchise allows parents to strike the perfect work-life balance. The ability to set working hours and appointments around child and home care commitments means that parents can continue to work in an industry they’re passionate about without having to worry about missing out on opportunities or having to arrange external childcare.
The opportunity to spend more time with your children
It’s amazing how fast the years go by. Raising a child is full of real “blink and you’ll miss it” moments – from first teeth and first steps to first words and first days at school, it’s not uncommon for us to wish there was a pause button to enjoy each of those precious moments for longer. Unsurprisingly, one of the biggest regrets voiced by working parents is that they didn’t get a chance to spend more time with their children during their earliest years.
With a franchise, now you can. Whether you’re tending to your children during half-term or the summer holidays, a franchise will allow you to continue earning as you work at your own pace. This means you can continue to develop your career without fear of missing out on the development of your children. Franchising is the ultimate flexibility you need as a parent.
You’ll enjoy the challenge
As a parent, you’ll already possess the ability to multitask, a knack for being authoritative and the drive to succeed – so why not set yourself the challenge of running a franchise? Whatever your passion or previous industry experience, there’s a franchise out there for you to capitalise on.
Nobody is suggesting that running your own business is an easy ride – like parenthood, it can be complex and stressful – but with the support of an established brand behind you, the sky’s the limit. What better way to get started than with franchising?
For more information on how starting a franchise could allow you to work and earn flexibly while raising children, whether you’re interest in internet or children’s franchises, there are a wide range of resources out there to get you started on your new career journey.
Do you have any business ideas for parents? Do you have experience with franchising? If so, we would love to know in the comments below.