It has become apparent since our little man has started walking that he likes to hide things in the most random of places… Usual suspects are mega blocks or cars and these can be found in shoes, boots, wellies and beside the sofa.

A new game Noah has learnt with daddy is emptying the ball pool 1 by 1 and throwing them anywhere in the lounge that you please! This was funny to begin with… I find balls all over my lounge in the most bizarre locations “how did he manage that?”. I found some under the fireplace protector this morning, i can only assume that this was actually placed there! He does love his ball pool.


Well I think tonight, has to be the funniest random item I’ve found in the most random location… As you’ve probably guessed from the post title… yes it is to do with a digestive biscuit, which I found in my bath! Which I can only assume got there today when I took him up to the bathroom with me to clean my teeth etc! I didn’t realise he had the biscuit on him still and didn’t know he had put it in the bath!

I love finding these strange little Noah things all over the house… It makes my day and I just want to hug him for being funny (without even knowing it)!

I suppose there will be a lot more occasions like this, but this has to be the funniest so far… Thanks Noah for making me smile!

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Last Update: Wednesday, 1st February 2012