Today we went for a stroll, in the not so deep dark wood and we didn’t see a mouse but the puddle jumping was good. We found our reflections in the rippling ground and jumped on plenty of mole hill mounds. The family fun was nice and good, especially the puddle jumping in the Brampton wood. 

The children had fun chasing each other and the dogs, they threw stones in the river and even logs. We made footsteps in the sloshy mud and took big steps that made a loud thud. Just 90 minutes to get out in the air, watching them play without a care. 

I hope you like our mini movie, it captured our reflection finding – groovy! 

Below are some more photos that I love, of the family of Constants with big woolly gloves… 

Country Kids

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Our Family,

Last Update: Friday, 24th May 2019