Wednesdays are my working from home day and in order to get work done, I come to my Grandma & Grandads house, that way they get to spend time with their great grandson and I can get as much work done as possible. Being 89 and 79 I think its important that they spend time with little Noah as it must be a great feeling of accomplishment to see their great grandchild (only one at the moment) and I hang around as I would hate to give them total responsibility of Noah especially at the moment – he is just everywhere. I am on standby if needed, which is never.

Today Grandad had a large water butt delivered and along with this delivery came a humungous box, Grandma turned it in to a den for Noah and put all his toys in it with a few comfys – cushion and blankie! It just reminded me of when I was small and I loved building dens and making tents to play in, I have no idea why – it added to the excitement of playing with my toys I suppose.

I used to make a den out of the bunk beds I had at home when I was little, and I used to take my barbies in there or lego – I was a massive fan of lego when I was a kid. It made me smile today to see Noah playing in his den with his Toddler bricks – just like his mummy. I hope Noah grows up with a big imagination like his mum, I was forever making things up – being creative, role playing with my toys and making a general mess for my mum; I have every expectation that Noah will follow in my footsteps.

My other Grandma told me the other day about how I used to play restaurants at her house, I used a toy till and made paper money and menus for my guests; Grandma and Grandad (and subsequently any other guests that they had at the time) and I would draw out their choices from the menu, which was their meal and drink! Honestly, I cannot believe I used to do that – but creative and imaginative none the less… 🙂

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Last Update: Wednesday, 18th April 2012