I am looking forward to the developments this month as we have our summer holiday, where we can spend quality time as a family and it is so healthy for the little ones (not quite for Mummy and Daddy thought I suspect). We are off on our holidays tonight and Noah is really looking forward to flying on a plane. I don’t blame him.



Noah is a clever little chap, I think I said that last month, he has a great memory and remembers everything! That can be a bad thing though. You could tell him the smallest piece of information and think it is an insignificant piece of information and he will bring it up later that day. It especially happens when you promise something to him, he is like an elephant and an elephant never forgets. He is learning a lot of big words still, things I have never heard him say before and he is using words in a different way. He describes things really well and copies his nursery leaders with what they say too. I hear him saying things like “Danny ate really well today and he has been really good” when he is playing with his toys in the playroom. It is really cute, but just highlights how “sponge” like they are.



Noah loves playtime, he plays with everything all in about 5 minutes, yes his concentration still isnt the greatest but when you have a lot of lovely toys to play with in a gigantic playroom – who wouldn’t want to play with everything all at once. I have noticed that Noah still likes to play on his own and only when he is in a good mood will he share nicely with Isla but he has to be in the right mood for it. He loves playing with his trains, planes and cars on the road mat. They seem to be his favourite things still, but he does enjoy getting involved with other games and toys as and when we play. He loves building Duplo tower blocks too, he can make it as tall as he is and then bashing them down is another favourite thing to do. Typical boy thing I think.


Sibling love

As mentioned above they still argue a lot and they still to bicker about toys and whatever Isla is doing, Noah wants to be a part of it or to have it. Right that second! Why do they do that? But on the whole they do play together, nicely and they are sweet to eachother. Noah has started to help Isla more. I feel you can tell the difference in their age a lot more at the moment, whereas a few months ago they were both “toddlers” and crazy little people. Noah seems to be a lot more grown up these days, when he has those moments burst upon him and it is really love to see. It is lovely to see him when he is helping Isla, passing her a toy or sharing his trains and cars with her, she doesn’t get to play with the good ones though. Of course not. But he shares and that is the main thing. He is going through a stage of telling people they are his best friend at the moment, something he probably picked up at nursery, but it also works the other way and he tells Isla she is not his best friend.

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Last Update: Tuesday, 9th September 2014