The second scan was today and the sonographer checked every little detail and all is ok. We saw the brain and that everything is developing as it should and she said the “cortex” was the correct size, which is very good.This is my favourite scan image, I had to empty my bladder and jiggle about but we got there in the end, I had to wake poor baby up. As you can see from the scan below, Rainbow was facing down to the floor and wasnt playing ball for most of our scan, I had to jiggle about to get a good profile shot. Not really sure what scan 3 was meant to be, i think Rainbow is facing us and the arm is up towards his face. 

We looked at the spine and that is all in the correct place, the kidneys are there and the heart was pumping properly. We could see all four chambers pumping away.
We saw the perfect little foot, it was immaculate. I couldnt believe it, 2 arms and 2 legs, 2 hands and 2 feet. It was amazing. I am so so relieved that everything is growing normally and in the right proportions, its very scary not knowing if everything is going to be ok. I love watching the baby move around – its surreal.
This is baby facing us – we saw that the top lip is in perfect condition and that the eye sockets are there and also the nose is formed. I cant wait to see the babies face in the flesh šŸ™‚ I cant believe we get to meet Rainbow in 19 weeks, doesn’t seem that long when you think about it like that. WOW its all go from here.

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Last Update: Sunday, 25th February 2018