We live in a culinary fascinating reality, full of developments and changes. The talents of tomorrow need more than ever appropriate professional training and a toolbox as wide as possible that will allow them to find, develop and refine an independent culinary identity. Confectioneries and bakeries are becoming centers of pilgrimage and culinary reality shows are mesmerizing to almost every home in the world. This visibility has a great impact on the development of the industry, and it flows into a quality and motivated workforce. Restaurants have been popular for years…the truth is, we love food! So why should you consider learning to cook (if you can’t already)?  And as you know I am not blessed with culinary skills, so I definitely need to learn to cook.

Why study cooking at all?

The fact that chefs and confectioners came out of kitchens and bakeries to the forefront of television shows contributed to the legitimacy and covetousness of the culinary professions. If once the appeal to the kitchen professions was often made out of lack of choice, today it is a source of pride and people come to exhaust their talent. Many people who in the past were afraid to go after the dream and went to study more conventional professions, today dare to make a professional transition and become professionals and entrepreneurs in the field of food. More and more restaurants and confectioneries are opening and this is producing a very large demand for labor. But it is also the average Joe Bloggs who loves to cook too. Because the truth is, it’s healthier in the long run. Grab yourself a clever kitchen and you will be able to whiz something up anywhere at any time. Being prepared is a vital step. But it is not only chefs that go to cooking classes as we know. A learner can master traditional and up-to-date techniques and know the cultural and technological background in depth. Only in this way will he be able to create and develop while formulating a distinct personal culinary identity. Even if this is in your own kitchen, it’s a great way to learn to cook!

I want to study professionally

The exposure and accessibility that every person has today in all sections of the population to culinary content from the world raises the standard of knowledge. Restaurants, confectioneries and bakeries are required to give products with a high level of finish and with better and better quality. Those who want to develop a successful career have almost no room for questions – they must start with an orderly education. A new employee is required to produce dishes with a very high level of finish and complexity from the first moment. Businesses are working at a much higher pace and volume than before and do not have the time or ability to train and nurture the employees, they want to get someone who can be thrown into the deep water and swim. 

The number of people interested in cooking and confectionery studies has also increased in recent years among unprofessional food lovers. The TV shows, the culinary abundance and the increase in the number of restaurants and alternative catering styles, make us want to cook and eat better. So, what are you waiting for? I love watching MasterChef, I would love to learn to cook like they do, but I cannot even cope with a roast dinner!

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Last Update: Sunday, 14th February 2021