Looking for new ways to get your kids to eat breakfast or find that you simply don’t have time to give your kids the healthy breakfast you want to before rushing out the door to school? Breakfast has long been acknowledged as the most important meal of the day, but it is also the meal that we dedicated the smallest amount of time and effort to. When you’re busy getting the kids fed in the morning, it’s very easy to forget yourself. The thing is, there are so many breakfast options out there now that there really is no such thing as a lack of imagination for breakfast foods! From muesli and porridge from itsgrowli.com, to eating things like overnight oats and breakfast muffins, there are so many amazing options to help you to get through the morning feeling satisfied and full.

The fact is that in most households in the UK, mornings can be a rush. Mums spend their mornings iron school uniforms, adding UK children’s labels to new clothes and equipment, persuading reluctant kids to clean their teeth, and generally cajoling everyone out the door. That doesn’t leave much time to cook a hot breakfast and sit down to a family meal! Luckily, we’re here to help. Here are some great healthy breakfast ideas for kids that even the busiest mum on the go can put together;

Bagged Breakfasts

You’ve heard of packed lunches, why not try bagged breakfasts as well? Very similar to the packed lunch concept, bagged breakfasts are pre-prepared and pre-bagged breakfasts that your children can eat anywhere. Simply throw in the food, pop on a children’s name label so that your children can easily see which bag is theirs, and you’re ready to hit the road. Ideal for busy mums on the go, or mums with kids who just can’t seem to get out of bed in the morning, your children can eat their bagged breakfast in the car on the way to school, saving you time and hassle at home in the mornings. As an added bonus, each bagged breakfast can be prepared and popped into the fridge the night before, meaning that all you have to do is grab and go.

So, what goes into a bagged breakfast? The possibilities are near endless but some great options include: fruit, granola bars, yoghurt pouches or tubes, pre-packaged croissants or brioche rolls. Pre-prepared boxes or packages of fruit are a great option for this kind of breakfast. Whilst this may not be ideal for every day, it is a great choice for those busy mornings when your kids might otherwise miss breakfast.

Breakfast Ice Pops

Yes, you did read that right! Breakfast ice pops are the ultimate summertime breakfast treat, and another breakfast idea that are perfect for eating on the go. These are easy to make and incredibly good for you too.

Slice soft fruits such as kiwi fruit, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries and pop them in an ice lolly mould until it is between half and three quarters full (depending on how fruity you want your lollies). If you don’t have a lolly mould then a disposable plastic or paper cup and a packet of lollypop sticks will do the same job. Once your fruit is in the mould, fill the rest with low fat vanilla yoghurt or Greek yoghurt (depending on your preference) mix, so that the yoghurt reaches every corner. Then pop in the freezer and when they are ready, enjoy! The only ingredients are the fruit and yoghurt, so there really is no reason you can’t be the coolest mum ever and let your kids have ice pops for breakfast.

Breakfast Bananas

Finally, another fast breakfast idea so delicious that you could also use it as a dessert: breakfast bananas. The only ingredients in this recipe are bananas, yoghurt and granola so they’re incredibly easy to create. Simply dip your banana in yoghurt and then roll it in granola so that it is completely covered. If you’d like to add a little extra flavour depth you could also add some dried fruit to your granola or, if you want to give your kids a treat and encourage reluctant breakfast eaters, a few chocolate chips.

Make these breakfast bananas in a big batch and then pop them in the freezer, so that you always have a fast breakfast when you need it. They taste delicious eaten from frozen in the summer months, and are as easy to eat as they are to prepare.

Breakfast Pizza

Finally, who says pizza should be reserved for Saturday nights? Why not indulge in a little breakfast pizza as well! This is relatively easy to make, and you can chop it up and give a slice to every member of the family. Start with a healthy, wholemeal pizza base (these can be pre-bought if you don’t have the time to make your own). Add some chopped tomatoes and mushrooms, slices of ham (in lieu of bacon), grate a little cheese on top and then crack 4-5 eggs onto the top of the pizza. Pop it into the oven and bake for between 15 and 17 minutes (depending on how firm you would like your eggs). All the benefits of a full English breakfast in easy to eat pizza form: delicious!

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Food & Drink,

Last Update: Thursday, 24th February 2022