This week has been very busy, lots of photos to edit and lots of upcoming Country Kids posts to look forward to. So I decided to take a trip down memory lane from when we spent the weekend making the garden look pretty. Mummy had lots to plant and Isla and Noah enjoyed making the most out of the garden too.


Isla did “her” thing and  took a few good books out in to the garden where she read them to herself, talking and singing away. Then Noah returned from his bike ride with Daddy and they both had lots of fun running around in the garden, whilst Daddy put up a tent. The intention was that Daddy and Noah would sleep in the tent on the Saturday night but as it was pretty chilly, after Noah fell asleep Daddy put him in his own bed.


It is nice to get some photos of the pets and the children, the garden is the most relaxing place to achieve this – so we took the opportunity to place them just so on a picnic blanket. They came out OK. Rocky was enjoying the freedom and fresh air too as he is a house cat, so it was lovely to see him roaming around the garden.

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Rocky had a lot of fun adventures in the garden that day, he was chasing Rambo around and exploring all the different smells over the 3 borders. One of neighbours has a dog, who clearly isn’t a cat dog and Rocky got a bit of a fright on that side. I don’t suppose he will do that again for a while.


My favourite photo of the afternoon was Isla being silly with Mummy’s wellies. I just love her super cute face, she really makes me happy. I suppose she reminds me of me!


Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Categorized in:

Our Family,

Last Update: Saturday, 29th March 2014