It’s the Saturday after our Tuesday due date… Still no sign of Little Constant. Much to the families frustration!

Midwife came to visit on wednesday and told us: bpm good still, urine good, baby’s heartbeat was good too. Lots of baby movement which means it’s happy. She went through our “overdue” options with us. Lots to think about over next 6 days. If all else fails and baby c doesn’t make an appearance by 14th then I’ll be kick started in hospital – not the way I’d imagined it would happen!

We have managed to sort the push chair out now though at long last. I love it and can’t wait to get using it.

Well I guess we sit tight and wait…

I’m healthy and baby is healthy so cant complain too much!!!

Location:High St,,United Kingdom

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Last Update: Saturday, 6th November 2010