Week three into the 40 Days of Fitness challenge with DW Fitness clubs,  the #FitnessRevolution continues. This week has been a little tougher as we had that horrible cold to contend with but I am still enjoying this keeping fit malarky. 

40 Days of Fitness button

Wednesday 4th March – Intervals, continue for 20 minutes

Interval training helps to challenge your body and increase overall endurance.

                Beginner                – 2 minute walk, 1 minute jog

Thursday 5th March – 3 sets of press ups with 60 second rest in between

                Beginner                – 10 modified press ups (use your knees) – I just about managed to do this at gym class but I was feeling so dreadful.

Friday 6th March – Plank

Check your results from last week and try beat them this week.

Time to beat: 52 seconds this week. Not great but there you go!

Saturday 7th March – 1 minute #SaturdayChallenge

Jump squats, star jumps and sit ups, beat last week’s reps and see how well you’re doing!

Jump squats:   15 in a minute                                 

Sit ups:   8 in a minute                                                  

Star jumps:     35 in a minute                                           

Sunday 8th March – Rest day

We will most probably take a leisurely stroll somewhere.

Monday 9th March – Stairs only!

Take the stairs today instead of the lift or escalator. If you don’t encounter any stairs today, find some! Or use the stairs in your home. An average flight of stairs is roughly 12 steps, if you choose to complete this challenge on a step machine.

                Beginner                – 5 flights of stairs

Tuesday 10th March – Ingredient of the week: Quinoa

[yumprint-recipe id=’26’]


What is on the agenda for the next week:

Wednesday 11th March – Intervals, continue for 30 minutes

                Beginner                – 2 minute walk, 1 minute jog

Thursday 12th March – Ab challenge

Keep your hands crossed over your chest and your neck neutral. Sit up slowly and ask somebody to hold your feet down if needed!

Beginner                – 5 sit ups, 5 crunches, 5 bicycle crunches, 10 Russian twists

Friday 13th March – Plank

Aim to beat last week’s time, can you see the results yet?

Time to beat: 52 seconds

Saturday 14th March – 1 minute #SaturdayChallenge

Check last week’s reps, and give it a real push today to try and beat them.

Jump squats:      15 in a minute

Sit ups:               8 in a minute     

Star jumps:          35 in a minute             

Sunday 15th March – Rest day

Today is Mothers Day, so a nice meal and a walk will most definitely be on the cards.

Monday 16th March – Weight Training

Weights can always be switched with everyday house hold items. Complete 10 reps of bicep curls, shoulder presses, and tricep kickbacks, for 3 sets each.

Beginner                – 1.5kg – bag of flour (I have some 1kg weights waiting, anymore hurts my shoulder at the moment)

Tuesday 17th March – Ingredient of the Week: Avocado

My husband loves avocado at the moment, so I am sure we can do something with this!

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Last Update: Wednesday, 11th March 2015