Trousers aren’t doing up, Tshirts are stretching around the belly now and the bump is growing and growing. Its a nice feeling that things are developing though, so I shouldnt moan.

We went camping at the weekend which was lovely, but I feel its probably taken too much out of me, I had a really bad headache and sicky feeling yesterday- all I wanted to do was sleep. Thankfully the rest did me good and I am back to my normal self today. Poor baby Constant is taking away my energy – ZAPPP!!!

We have our 2nd midwife appointment on Friday morning, so I am really looking forward to that. Hopefully we will get to hear the heart beat of Rainbow.

Hayley and Dan brought us a lovely Journal for our pregnancy last week, I have already filled in as much as I can right now – its so cute. It asked me if baby has any nicknames, I clearly had to put about Rainbow 🙂 The story behind this is quite amusing and I like winding Deano up about it. Rainbow was in his list of names he likes for baby… but apparantly he didnt mean to write that one in the list! hehe. So now baby Constant is nicknamed Rainbow.

Here is bump at 15 weeks:

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Last Update: Wednesday, 19th May 2010