Well I measured my belly bump this morning – albeit after a bowl of cereal but hey ho – just under the belly button and it was 81cm. It is getting rather large now and there is a lot more to go!
The trousers are all obtaining a “bobble” attachment so that I can still wear my usual clothes- not sure how long this method will last out, but it is ok for the moment. 
Starting to think about the nursery room now, I know its 6months until the baby arrives but it is nice to be prepared for these events, also we have a lot of “stuff” to sort out to make room for a nursery. We started organising yesterday, I think I am getting a little nesty now. I just want to see the little room and sit in it and dream of how it will be in 6months time. 
Here is a photo of the cot that I like, thankfully hubby likes it too…

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Last Update: Wednesday, 5th May 2010