Woohoo! The cooker is in. We had the electrician out all day yesterday and he had to install a cooker line from the fuse board. This house didn’t have one before. We now have a nice little cooker on/off switch and a rather powerful electric fan oven.
The Cooker update
So, the cooker is now in situ. Woohoo. However, the gas hobs are still not operating. We are working on that next. What a pain in the bum to get this cooker working. It’s amazing what a difference it has made to the kitchen and we cannot wait to get it working hobs and ovens together!


The kitchen looks bigger where the cooker is now, it’s so funny. It’s a bigger cooker, yet it looks more spacious where it lives. I can only guess it’s the grill part of the old cooker that was quite high.
Kitchen diner
We are lucky enough to have a dining room and a diner in the kitchen. We use the diner for breakfast in the week or the children sit and do their crafts in that area. It’s a great little space and soon to have a wee makeover. We have just ordered some fabulous items from Wayfair to get this part of the kitchen in order. This is our before – I cannot wait to show you the after (which will hopefully be next week).

Bathroom update
The electrician also fixed up our bathroom lights too. So where we had 2 switches and 2 lights from when the wall existed. We now have 1 switch and 2 lights. Woohoo. The best news is that we can now get the bathroom plastered, tiled and I can have my bath! YIPPEE. One step closer. Speaking of tiles, our bathroom floor tiles arrived from Tons of Tiles and they are absolutely beautiful: Dorset Feature Grey floor tile. It comes in black or grey – we preferred the grey tile. I cannot wait to get them on the floor!

What colour should we do the kitchen floor and the bathroom wall tiles? I would love to know your thoughts in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant.
[…] I cannot believe how quickly this month has gone. It is absolutely crazy. I keep forgetting to log what we have been doing with just before photos. That’s the bit I needed the most. So, our first month in our new home and we have decorated main rooms, have the cooker installed, started the bathroom and nearly finished the dining room. We have done a lot since our last weekly update. […]