Did you know that when breastfeeding, your body releases a hormone called Oxytocin? This hormone is otherwise known as the “LOVE” hormone, it helps to make the bond between you and your baby even deeper. I must admit that when breastfeeding Isla I feel so amazingly close to her, not just proximity wise but I feel like I am learning more and more about her every time she feeds. To me, this is the best benefit of breastfeeding as I get to spend that quality time with my little baby that no one else can provide for her, as that is what my body is made to do- especially for her!

The whole time Isla is feeding I stare at her, in awe mainly, watching her facial expressions, watching her body and the way she moves when she is feeding. I love the way that she strokes me when she is feeding. Her little fingers and hands are so delicate, she has such a gentle touch, its really quite relaxing.

When I was feeding her, on her first evening in this world, she was stroking me and I said to the midwife how sweet I thought it was. The midwife told me that she is stroking me because that is her way of “getting” me to love her, this made me feel so overwhelmed. She doesn’t need to get me to love her anymore than I do already, but then there still seems to be more room each day that passes for her (and my little man too). In the past 3 weeks, I have learnt more about her facial expressions, different cries, posture and noises just from the time spent breastfeeding Isla. I find it amazing that I have such a perfect little tutor, she is teaching me about herself incredibly well and feeding very well.

Other benefits of breastfeeding, besides the bonding, are that I know Isla is getting the “best” milk, her mummy’s milk! I know that by breastfeeding with Isla, she will be better protected against infections/diseases, it is the only natural source of food designed for Isla, gives her better health benefits and me too, its with me everywhere I go and not forgetting its free. Which for us mums can be a huge benefit as the alternatives can be quite costly.

There are some other mummy bloggers that are writing about their experiences with breastfeeding too, please take a look at their blogs:


Check out the breastvest website: http://www.breastvest.co.uk/ to see how the fabulous breastvest’s turn any top into a breastfeeding top and gives you more confidence when feeding your baby.

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To enter in to the Grand Prize from my blog post, please comment below on what you love about breastfeeding? If you are expecting, if you are planning on breastfeeding and why? Or if you are a father, grandparent of a recent newborn, how it makes you feel to see your partner/family member breastfeeding?

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Last Update: Sunday, 3rd June 2012