Any experienced traveller will tell you that travelling requires a certain level of stamina, especially when out on the road. Whether you’re recovering from jetlag, feeling the impact of all those late nights, all the activities, the heat, the stress and trying not to miss your connecting flights to new destinations it’s not always easy to catch your breath!

And while many travellers love the thrill and the frenzy that is life on the road, others like to kick back and relax from time to time. But is it really possible to catch your breath while you’re having the best time of your life? How do they do it? Well, here you’ll find 4 ways you can relax on the road and still make the most of your time abroad. Enjoy!

Try a little culture

Quad biking across sand dunes, hiking the highest mountain, navigating through a new city, ziplining, windsurfing, parties on the beach, jumping from a famous waterfall into the pool below – it’s all go when you’re travelling. But if you feel like relaxing but not missing out on local culture, try a theatre show, like the ballet or even the opera – click the link to find out more about Venice opera tickets.  It’s the best way to spend an evening! Don’t forget to book your tickets in advance so you’re not disappointed!

Treat your ears

With so much to see and to do, all your senses are going to being working tenfold when you’re in a new destination. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed and even a desire to switch off from it all for an hour or two. Many travellers swear by audio books! Treat yourself to some noise cancelling headphones and download a few audiobooks before you travel. Then, when you’re feeling like you need a little time out you can slip on your headphones and switch off for a while.

Get some pampering

When we travel we want to be immersed in the culture and really get to know our host destination. However, it’s also perfectly normal to crave a little comfort when you’re away from home. If you have the funds (or you could put money aside for this exact activity) book yourself a night or two at nice hotel that has plenty of onsite amenities. Have a nice hot bath, lay in a comfortable bed and get a good nights sleep. Or hang around in your complimentary bath robe and order room service!

Take your time

There is so much to do while you’re on the road. And it’s understandable that you’ll want to cram a lot into your precious time abroad. But the constant rushing and hubbub of travel can begin to take its toll if you don’t pace yourself. So, with this in mind try not to cram too much into your “to-do” lists and opt for a “go with the flow” philosophy. Not only will you not feel overwhelmed with everything that is going on, but it also gives you chance to really immerse yourself in the culture and enjoy every moment.  

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Last Update: Thursday, 6th June 2019