With the New Year quickly approaching, it’s often the fresh start people need to kick their health goals into gear. For most, people set goals of losing weight, getting on an exercise schedule, and kicking certain unhealthy habits. However, more often than not, the health and wellness resolutions most people set for themselves end up coming to a screeching halt after a few weeks of starting them. And you wonder why people end up making the exact same resolutions every single year…

Well, the time has come to end this repetitive health and wellness resolution cycle. 2020 has been one for the books, and the last thing anybody wants is a repeat of 2020 in 2021 or any forthcoming years. In order to break this year after year cycle, you have to make resolutions that will not only improve your health but are also sustainable for your lifestyle.

Take a look at these nutrition New Year’s resolutions that you can actually achieve and maintain.

Get Better Quality Sleep

You might be what some would call a night owl, but in staying up so late, you’re depriving your body the opportunity to repair cells and tissues, and to give your body the extra boost it needs to push through the day.

Lack of sleep can cause irritability, lack of focus, and fatigue… With the new year approaching, don’t go into it with the same old habits; Consider giving yourself a bedtime. It doesn’t have to be extreme like 8 pm… If you normally don’t get in the bed until 12 am, try getting in bed at 11:30 pm and maybe you’ll be asleep by 12 am. 

Try this in 30-minute increments until you can push your bedtime earlier and earlier. According to the Sleep Foundation, it’s recommended that adults get seven to eight hours of sleep, so if you can come even close to that, you’re making great progress.

Cook More

Okay, so is it that you don’t know how to cook or the fact that you just don’t like to cook? Either way, you’re going to have to get in the kitchen more often in the new year. 

One of the biggest misconceptions people have about cooking more is that it requires this big elaborate process when it really doesn’t. You can hop on Pinterest or YouTube right now and look up some of the easiest healthy recipes to make in under 10 or 20 minutes.

The whole point of cooking more is that you actually know what’s going in your food and can control it. This allows you to meal prep your food for a few days so that you’re not constantly eating out. And the best part is that this is something you can do even with a hectic schedule.

Take Better Care of Yourself and Incorporate More “Me Time”

Every day, it can feel like you’re taking care of everyone but yourself in the hustle and bustle of daily life. And in most cases, you are taking care of everyone but yourself… but not for long. Come 2021, it’s time to start putting yourself first sometimes, even if you have to plan it out!

Maybe you start a “self-care Sunday” regimen where you create a spa-like routine at home with a hot bath, skin exfoliation, and a glass of wine in the bath. “Me time” can also come in the form of going to the movies by yourself, getting dressed up and going to dinner by yourself, or going on a weekend trip by yourself. 

The whole point of this is to take the time out to get back to yourself for the betterment of your mental health. As you know, 2020 has proven to be one of the worst years the world has seen in a long time so why not go into 2021 with a greater appreciation of yourself?

Add More Green to Your Diet

Adding more green to your diet does indeed mean incorporating more vegetables into your diet but it doesn’t mean you have to eat a salad with every meal either. You, of course, can have green leafy salads and your broccoli, cabbage, and kale recipes, but cooking your greens isn’t the only way to add them to your diet. Consuming your greens raw and in juice form is an even better way, and you’re not losing any nutritional value.

Have you ever considered adding a green juice cleanse to your diet? Well, if you haven’t you should. Green juice cleanses aid in weight loss, contribute to healthy glowing skin, are a great source of amino acids, and are great energy boosters.

You might be getting a decent intake of greens now but consuming them raw and in juice form is an excellent and sustainable resolution to incorporate well into the new year.


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Last Update: Thursday, 24th December 2020