Creating an energy-efficient home is necessary for successfully reducing energy expenses. Energy efficiency refers to using less energy to complete the same task, which saves money and the environment. Understand affordable methods for changing your home’s energy usage to save valuable money and make a meaningful difference. Here are 6 free and easy ways to reduce energy expenses:

Here are 6 free and easy ways to reduce energy expenses:

  1. Understand Your Energy Usage 

Understand your home’s energy usage to reduce energy expenses. Calculate your home’s specific energy usage by performing an energy audit. Energy audits identify your current energy consumption as well as measures for improving your home’s energy efficiency. Generally, energy bills are divided among household devices with heating and air conditioning using 46% of your energy, water heating using 14%, appliances using 13%, lighting using 9%, and electronics using 4%. 

Motivate you and your family to reduce energy usage by recognizing the importance of energy efficiency. An energy-efficient home not only saves money but also saves the environment. Traditional forms of electricity, specifically fossil fuels, emit carbon dioxide and other harmful pollutants into the atmosphere, increasing pollution and causing global warming. 

Fossil fuels are also finite, meaning the supply continually diminishes until it eventually runs out. Saving energy reduces your home’s carbon footprint by protecting the environment and the energy supply to guarantee a better future.

Educate your family about your home’s energy usage and the importance of energy efficiency to develop proactive actions for conserving energy. 

  • Change Lighting 

Change your home’s lighting to easily save energy. Turning off your lights saves a little money here and there which adds up to a major difference. Remember to turn off lights every time you leave a room, or use natural lighting whenever possible to bypass using lights altogether. If you need light, opt for task lighting instead. Task lighting refers to using smaller lights, such as table lamps, to inexpensively illuminate your workspace rather than choosing large, overhead lights. 

Additionally, purchase energy-efficient light bulbs, especially LEDs, to save energy every time you flip a switch. Traditional incandescent light bulbs consume unnecessary energy and produce heat, which raises your energy bill. LEDs use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer, saving you more money over time.

  • Rethink Electronics 

Rethink your electronics to decrease energy expenses. Electronics are primarily responsible for phantom loads of energy. Phantom loads refer to the energy consumed by an electronic when it’s turned off or in standby mode, stealing your energy and costing you $25 to $30 more on your monthly expenses. 

Prevent phantom loads by unplugging your electronics and devices whenever possible. Consider using power strips to simplify the process and unplug all your unused electronics at once. Another idea for reducing phantom loads is choosing portable electronics. For example, desktops are constantly plugged in whereas laptops are usually untethered to outlets, instantly saving you energy.  

  • Manage Your Temperature 

Manage your home’s temperature to manage energy expenses. As previously mentioned, HVAC systems account for the majority of your energy bill. Monitor your heating and air conditioning expenses by changing your thermostat’s temperature. On average, altering your thermostat lower or higher by 10 to 15 degrees for 8 hours a day assists in reducing your energy usage by 5% to 15% every year. Adjust your home’s temperature while you’re at work, school, or asleep to eliminate energy waste. 

Consider installing a programmable thermostat to easily control your home’s temperature. Programmable thermostats allow you to create customized settings for saving energy while you’re out of the house, saving you over $130 every year. 

  • Use Appliances Wisely 

Use your household appliances wisely to conserve valuable energy. Appliances are a major component of our lives, especially regarding the kitchen. Rethink your appliance usage to create positive habits for decreasing energy bills, including:

  • Refrigerators: Set your refrigerator at the recommended temperature and stop leaving the door open.
  • Ovens: Avoid lengthy preheating times, keep the door closed, use ceramic or glass dishes better for cooking, and choose smaller appliances, such as toaster ovens, when possible.
  • Stoves: Clean the stove to allow proper heating, use correctly sized burners, and place lids on pots.
  • Dishwasher: Only run full loads and avoid heated dry settings.
  • Washer and Dryer: Only run full loads, use cold water, and air dry clothing. 
  • Change Energy Providers 

Change energy providers to successfully reduce energy expenses every month. Energy deregulation creates a competitive energy market, meaning customers choose from multiple energy providers based on prices, payment plans, and products. Compare energy providers in TX to find cheaper rates and secure your rate by signing a fixed contract, saving you almost 20% every year on energy expenses. 

Reduce energy expenses by following these 6 free and easy ways for success. 

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Last Update: Thursday, 24th December 2020