We had a lovely weekend, courtesy of our friends, who paid for us all to go to West Yorkshire and spend the weekend together. We had a lovely weekend in the snowy hills of Slaithwaite and the fact it was snowing made the break away extra special. Albeit cold. The barn was absolutely perfect, lots of space and stunning. We had an amazing time out and about, but also inside the barn too. 

The greatest thing about this weekend was being together and making the most out of doing what we wanted to do. We spent the morning in the fresh, snowy air. Then we did a bit of LEGO and Christmas crafting in the afternoon. It was nice. But the children did get a little ratty about 5pm and the day of togetherness became a bit too much! After a quick run around the garden before dark, dinner and a nice hot bath, we had a special surprise. 



Because we were all together, in a barn, in the middle of nowhere, one of our friends paid for a chef to come to the barn and cook us all dinner on Saturday night. It was an incredible experience. The chef comes to your house with their equipment and food, then whip up a wonderful three course meal. It was delicious. They even made up a lovely vegetarian option for me.


Sunday morning we got up to beautiful snow capped hills and fields of white. We headed out into the snow again for more fun and games. We walked for hours around a reservoir, the children had fun throwing snowballs at each other and it was just nice to get some fresh air. The scenery was incredible. The hills and valleys make for such a great back drop. I wish I could wake up to scenes and landscape like this every day! This weekend break in Yorkshire has given me the snow bug, I cannot wait for more now. 





Country Kids

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Our Family,

Last Update: Monday, 21st November 2016