Today was the first day with the new buggy and I loved it, Isla looked like she was enjoying it too, all snuggled up like a bug and Noah, well he was a little grumpy still from being ill over the weekend (teething!!). I have made Noahs side of the buggy suitable for his little toddler bum, he didn’t need a footmuff and he was upright and Isla was in a laying position with her footmuff – boy did she look comfy!  I took a 2 hour trip, I walked across the fields to Tesco and back again, it felt really good to get out of the house and get some fresh air and I suppose its keeping me fit too (which I should really be doing more of).

On the way back, we stopped at the park and Noah enjoyed it, he loves his freedom! Whilst Isla was sleeping and snuggled, I thought I would brave the park on my own – it went OK. Noah was a good boy, he didn’t try to run out of the park, like he did the other week and he had fun trying to find the helicopter. He loves vehicle sounds, anything from a car to a plane, he hears it and stops what he is doing. He is very aware of noises around him, very very observant! So observant he wouldn’t let me get past the park without him having a play on the slide for half an hour!

Noah at the park with the helicopters

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Last Update: Tuesday, 3rd July 2012