The days are once again getting shorter and it’s time for us all to think about our autumn wardrobes. I think that the best place to start is to find all of your clothes from last year and check whether they still fit, as well as whether they have any snags or tears. It might take a couple of hours to do this, so perhaps you should think about doing it on a quiet Sunday afternoon. Once you’re done, there are a couple of things you can do next; the first is to take your unwanted clothes to the charity shop, and the second is to go shopping!
If you do need to buy some more items for autumn, I’d advise thinking about weekend wear, as many of us have plenty of outfits that are suitable for the office throughout the year. The other benefit of this is that there are so many cute weekend pieces to be found at the moment, so you’re sure to find something that suits your style. There are a few key pieces that will keep you on trend though, so read on to find out what you should look for…
Jazz up your autumn jumpers with a quilted gilet on top. Not only will they keep you snug, but they also look spot on for the weekend too. You’ll be able to pair this with a hat, scarf and gloves when it gets a bit nippier outdoors and it should keep you warm enough until the proper winter chill kicks in.
Ideal for: walking the dog.
Knitted jumpers
My very favourite pieces for autumn are knitted jumpers and I’ve already seen some gorgeous ones in the shops. As I’m a dog lover, I’m attracted to a jumper from Hobbs that features a motif on the front – it’s so sweet! This one is tan coloured, but other great shades this season are purple and burgundy red.
Ideal for: getting a coffee.
Corduroy skirts
For a smart casual weekend look, I’d advise buying a knee length corduroy skirt. Personally, I’d buy one in black, navy, brown or beige, but some people are able to pull off bright colours too. My best friend has a vibrant purple skirt and looks stunning in it as she has dark hair.
Ideal for: pub lunches.
Tweed trousers
If you’re likely to be heading out for a few meals during the autumn, you’ll want to have some suitable clothes to wear out. It’s great to find something that is both smart looking as well as comfortable, and tweed trousers are perfect for this. Look for trousers in dark greys, and then pair them with a black belt and black boots.
Ideal for: evenings out.
Cosy hosiery
Finally, think about what you’ll be wearing on your legs if you choose to wear a skirt or a dress this autumn. You might be lucky enough to get a warm day, but it’s more likely that there will be a certain chill in the air. Look at the hosiery the next time you’re in the department store and see what tights you can find that suit your wardrobe. Black, grey and navy are always a good choice though!
Ideal for: outfit finishers.