Did you know it is World Stationery Day in a couple of weeks, 25th April 2018? To celebrate I thought it was only fair to share my favourite stationery and tips for making the perfect list. Lists to some are what nightmares are made of, but if you do it properly they can be your best friend. There are a lot of reasons for doing lists, not just to be organised, but also to help focus your mind. Doing something that is brain friendly has got to be the right, hasn’t it? I so often go to write Brian friendly. Maybe that’s what we should name it…

Why have a list?

Having a list is simply a great way of “offloading” what is on your mind. I recently did a brain friendly leadership course, where I learnt a lot about our brains (or Brian) which I will share with you. Picture this: at the front of our brains, picture a grand stage. On that stage there are actors/actresses. These actors/actresses represent the things that you are actively thinking about at any given moment. So that could be: I need to make a cake / I need to pick up the children in 30 minutes / I need to wash my hair tonight / Oooh, what was is that Hubby said to me this morning? Your brain can only cope with 4 of these actors/actresses at a time. The best way, for me anyway, to offload these thoughts is to create a list.

What is the best format for a list?

One list isn’t enough for me. I have many strings to my bow and lots of things float through my mind throughout the day that I want to capture. So I have different places to store these little reminders, nudges and sometimes just thoughts.  Which might sound “messy” in itself but it works for me. You need to find the best way of recording these things for you. I use Trello for my day job lists and blog lists, this is handy as I can view it from a PC or device. The iPhone app is really easy to use. I have a lot of list stationery, it looks so pretty in various locations around my house and desk. I just love Stationery – any excuse! I also have Planners, journals, notepads and wellbeing books all around the house too. So when I have that urge to capture something I can.

My favourite list stationery

I really love the idea of having journals and planners to get my thoughts down. It is really easy to list items down and let ideas flow. I also keep my A6 sized diary in my handbag so I can capture any thoughts on the go too. Weekly planner and list pads are fabulous too, you can plot out what is going on in the week. It helps me to see what we are doing as a family at a glance, which is great when you are rushing around. I love my new brain dumping journal, it’s got effective ways to get things out of your mind and start to plan your ideas out. Mainly so that you can make them happen! 

To celebrate World Stationery Day on 25 April 2018, Old English Prints are running a fabulous competition to win a set of planners. So you can get planning and organising that brain! It is really easy to enter the competition, simply go to their website: oldenglishprints.com.

Do you have any ideas or tips to making that perfect list? I would love to hear them in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant…

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Last Update: Wednesday, 11th April 2018