It is funny because when I reflect back on my year of 2014, it wasn’t the greatest in many ways, but amazing in lots of other ways. It really was the year of to and fro, but with my glass always half full I was able to not dwell on the negatives too much and turn them into positives.


Back in 2014, which was only two days ago but I am making out like it was years ago, I changed job roles and took on more work via project management for the Digital by Default project (nothing like The Apprentice and for the record even I would have known to check business names and domain names before branding, tut tut) and work has been full on since July. I love it though. I don’t love the fact I miss my babies and I am always tired at the weekends. They must hate me being ratty all weekend, or when I just want to lounge around in my PJ’s and not go to the park. Its been tough. I have been having talks to myself about what I really want and there are many things I do want, but my children come first and right now that means Mummy and Daddy working full time so we can sort the Constant nest out. We really need to get on the property ladder. It is proving difficult though I must admit.

A massive negative for me is that I had that scary car accident back in November, which still haunts me and I am still worrying about it, but I know I will get through it. It has put a lot into perspective that will effect how my 2015 turns out. I did a lot of courses last year about how you think and how you perceive things, it has opened my eyes a great deal and really helped me communicate better, more so with my hubby and it was really needed as our relationship has been so much better. It is hard to keep on top of all of these things when you are working full time, have two small children and a busy lifestyle.


So out of 2015 I would like a few things, simple things, some things may take time to make happen but there you go. I want to make sure that I use my time with my family the best that I can. I know that is really hard to do when I am working full time, but I will make sure I make the most out of them and also get some early nights so I am not a grumpy Mummy. Isla still doesn’t sleep very well, so I don’t get a great nights sleep so I can help that by going to bed earlier. Simple really! I want to try out new things with my family too, new adventures and activities.


In terms of my blog, I love it, I love writing it, but I want to do it properly. Not here and there, when I can squeeze it in. I schedule a lot of posts but I do it in tranches. I want to be organised. This is something that will take time, I can’t sleep and go to bed early whilst writing blog posts – so it will be learning how the new routine will work. I am looking forward to reflecting back on 2015 in December, to see if I kept up with any of these targets!


Something a lot more personal is that I want to get a bit of my self esteem back, get rid of the baby belly so that I feel confident in my clothes again and hold my head up high. You know what I mean! We’re getting a gym membership so I can use the classes and swimming pool and maybe the gym, we will see. So here goes, 2015 give me your best shot, I am ready for you.


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Our Family,

Last Update: Thursday, 1st January 2015